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A couple weeks passed as Nico and his family worked out the major details with the TV company. And it was a lot easier than Nico thought it would be. Apparently they had been wanting to ask him if he wanted to do a show but they had no way to contact him unless they left a comment on YouTube and they didn’t want to be so unprofessional. But in the span of those past weeks, Nico hadn’t had time to update or even shoot a new video, and his fans were getting antsy.


~ [ > ] The Ghost King has uploaded a new video: ‘Big News!’ View it out now. ~

“Hey guys! So first off let me apologize for the lack of video updates these last couple of weeks. Secondly, I will no longer be uploading videos here on YouTube………………………yup you heard me right. There will be no more Ghost King videos here…….becauuuusssseeeeee, all new episodes will be broadcast on TV! Mhm, I will now have a TV show at The Oracle. I’m really excited if you couldn’t tell, because that means more sleep for me! I’m not too excited to have a camera crew though…but oh well! So instead of uploading videos every Sunday like I do, you can now catch me every Wednesday at 8:30 PM! The season premiere will be coming soon, though I’m not allowed to tell you, so no spoilers! See you guys soon!”


The school was absolutely buzzing with the news of the Ghost King getting a TV show, and when the season premiere would be. It was damn near impossible not to know the news at this rate. And Nico could barely contain his own excitement. The TV station had given him a budget of course, but money meant he could purchase better equipment to prove the existence of ghosts and such, it was a good thing his recent video was still being talked about. Because his excitement could easily be mistaken for fan excitement. Jason and Piper congratulated him as soon as they heard the good news, which was before everyone else. Well besides Nico’s family.

But so far Nico’s favorite reaction came from his favorite blue-eyed blond. Will had come over to play video games a little after Nico had uploaded the video so when Will came over, they both got notified of the update. Will’s eyes widened and he definitely let out a squeal of joy, which he absolutely denys, and flailed his hands before clicking the notification. It was always weird to watch himself in his videos but he often had to when friends of his who didn’t know who he was wanted to show him their favorite parts or where you could totally see a ghost and yada yada yada. But watching with Will wasn’t all that bad, plus he was an open book so whatever he was feeling as he watched videos was always present on his face.

Nico liked that about Will, that he was easy to read. Well sometimes. When Will didn’t want you to know something you wouldn’t unless he wanted you too, it was very odd.

“Hey, do you want to go grab some pizza with us this weekend at Jack’s?” Will asked Nico as they walked to English together. He had been asking Nico to hang out a lot lately, this was one of those times that Nico didn’t know what Will was thinking, and he felt as though he was under a microscope.

He gave a sheepish shrug, “Sorry. Can’t. I work this weekend remember? I work every weekend.” Was his reply. Which was the truth actually. Well, kinda. This weekend he would be shooting the very first episode of Ghost King for the television, but whenever he said work in the past he usually meant he was doing Ghost King things, not that Will had to know that. His dad and him came up with the excuse that Hades had his son help out at the office every weekend for some extra cash. Which again wasn’t wrong, but he only did that on Fridays when he could.

“Again? You’re always busy di Angelo.” Will pouted.

“Not always.” Nico tried to reason, but he knew it was true. The past couple of weeks he had been busy, like really busy, but for other reasons than the ones he gave his friends.

“Yes always! Everytime I try to hang out with you, you either have an appointment, got sick, or have work.”

“I know…..but after this weekend I should totally have time to hang out. How about Lou, Cecil, you and I go see a movie or something next weekend?” If Nico were being honest, he would prefer it to just be the two of them, but not like a date or anything!….okay….like a date and everything. But Nico was far too shy about things like that and if he had the courage to actually ask out Will he would, but he also didn’t want to ruin their friendship. It was a good friendship, and yes the Italian wanted something more, but he liked have constancy in his life and he really didn’t want things to change out of fear of them changes in a bad manner.

“Fine. But you’re paying!” Will declared with a smile.

Nico chuckled and nodded, “That seems fair.”

“It is! Since you know, you’ve been Mr. Busy.”

“Again. Not my fault, Solace.”

“Totally your fault, di Angelo. But anyways wanna have lunch with me today?”

“Don’t we always?”

“I don’t mean at the table.”

“Oh? Where did everyone wanna eat today? Outside the library again?”

“No. I mean maybe everyone else will but, uh, you seem pretty tired today and I know it’s been pretty noisy everywhere we go today, I figured you’d like to eat somewhere quite….do you wanna eat in Demeter’s Garden with me again?”

Nico felt his heart race and tried his best not to blush, because that sounded an awful lot like a date. But it was just lunch! Just lunch, with just them two, which has happened before, but this felt different. “Uh yeah, sure. Thanks. You, know, for noticing.” Nico mumbled as they both walked into their classroom and took their respective seats next to each other.

“I always notice if it’s you, Nico.” And oh, oh boy. Will’s voice was so full of honesty and the smile he was giving Nico was giving him the wrong idea….but Nico felt like it was okay to get the wrong idea because what if that’s what Will meant? What if he liked Nico back? Nah, that couldn’t be right….could it?

Before Nico could respond, the bell for class to start rang loudly.


Beside him, Nico was working diligently on the assignment the substitute gave them, but Will on the other hand was having a mental freak out. Nico agreed to have lunch with him! Which okay wasn’t that big a deal. They had had lunch together before but this felt….different. Will couldn’t describe it, it was just different. But then. But then Will had to open his stupid mouth and say stupid things. Like, ‘I always notice if it’s you, Nico.’ What the fuck was he thinking! Oh right he wasn’t thinking. He could never really think when Nico was around.

But maybe what he said hadn’t been all that awkward? It made Nico smile at him albeit slightly, he had also looked pretty shocked, and he blushed. Gosh. he was so cute when he blushed. And now Will was blushing. Damn it.

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