The breakup

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As Levi finally calmed down and got tucked in, Daniel and I start windering how to start with a few 'ums' and 'ughs'. But dan has a better view of the story. So then he started.

Dan and his "Official but Unofficial" girlfriend are texting over the phone,(By that i mean they are together but allowed to see other ppl}

D: Hey bby ;)




D: Why dont u talk to me like u used 2 now?:/

G: Well... I have been seeing this guy for a while and we are getting kind of serious. I still like you but My gma died recently and you are just 2 much to handle, not in a good way. We need to break up.

*Contact deleted*

Dan had tears streaming down his eyes and runs to the bathroom. He contemplates if he was good enough for anyone at this point. He solemnly falls asleep on the cold bathroom floor with dried tears on this red cheeks.


He wakes up still with the burning image of the previous night. He gets up seeing a burst of light reflect from his small puddle of tears. Dan walks through the door into the living room and sees his phone and picks it up. "Dammit, its dead" he mumbles. While going to his room to get a phone charger, He realizes something, he wants coffee. "Ugh I don't want to go anywhere but im out of coffeeeeee" he pouts

hey guys its been like four years im publishing this draft bcus its funny 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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