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>>>>Hi! So I originally wrote this story almost 6/7 years ago, and trust me it's absolute crap, which is why I decided to edit it! Any chapter with an * next to it has been edited! I have turned each chapter into a draft and will be republishing as I edit. That being said - hope you enjoy, and I will be trying to edit/update as often as possible! :) <<<<

"Wake the fuck up, Styles," someone yells just before I jolt my head up and a stack of papers hits me in the face. "What did I say about sleeping at work? Save that shit for your bed. You're on my time, and you won't be wasting it while passed out."

I wasn't even sleeping. Ryan, the ever so lovely boss who thinks it's necessary to throw things at me, has been keeping me here after hours for the last three days. I was simply resting my head on my desk and closing my eyes. Considering how many hours I have spent reading documents and signing his name acting as if he had anything to do with it, I deserve somewhat of a break.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" He snaps his fingers in my direction.

"What? Yeah. I got it. Read, sign, mail," I respond as I straighten the pile of papers.

"Exactly. And stay as late as needed. I want these done by morning." He taps the top of the papers three times, shoving them towards me and making them land in my lap.

I have to use all my power to keep my mouth shut for what feels like the hundredth time today. "Won't be a problem," I mutter, straightening the papers once more while he heads for his office. "I'll get it done before taking Charlie out for her birthday tonight."

Instantly, Ryan stops in his tracks, turning towards me. "Considering I'm the one who signs your checks, you'll be done when I say you're done. Tell my dear sister you'll be missing out."

He glances down at a coworker's desk in front of me - the lucky bastard gets to leave whenever he wants and doesn't have to deal with Ryan - and clearly notices the pile of papers. Picking them up, he throws them my way, scattering them all on the floor.

"Pick those up and add them to the list. That should keep you plenty busy." Finally, he makes it into his office and slams the door behind him. Thankfully, his office is the only one that isn't glass and he can't see me throwing both middle fingers up at him. Even if he could, he deserves it.

When I initially got this job almost two years ago, I considered myself lucky. There are very few people out there who are assistants making what I make. My girlfriend, Charlie, is actually the one who landed me the job. She had been out at lunch with Ryan, discussing family matters, when he mentioned needing some help around the office. At the time, Ryan just inherited the building from his grandfather as well as took over the company when his father retired. Just from what Charlie said, it was easy to tell that Ryan was starting to get in way over his head and was willing to pay whatever he needed to receive help. When she came home that day, she couldn't stop squealing about how she possibly got me a job with him. I had been in between work, so I was grateful to get whatever I could. Never did I expect to work with family, especially him, but the pay was enough to keep up with the rent and actually start saving up..

Looking back, I was willing to put up with anything, even the maniac Ryan turns into under pressure, to keep the job. Now, I just wish I could get the hell out of here.

With Ryan's office door still shut, I figure it's as good time as any to give Charlie a call and postpone her birthday plans.

"Hey babe!" She answers after the first ring with clear excitement.

"Uh, hey. Happy birthday," I say, trying to keep the nerves out of my voice.

"Thank you, but you've already told me that three times today," she giggles.

She's right. I have. I just hate having to cancel on her and don't know what to say. "Sorry. I just want to make sure you have the best day."

"I will and I am. And it's going to get even better when you get home, which is going to be when exactly? I thought you said you were getting off at six?" I hear her shuffling around something in the background that sounds like her makeup bag. She must be getting ready for tonight - shit.

"Well, about that. I have bad news. Your brother just handed me a huge stack of papers to do by tomorrow morning, so I'm going to have to rain check those plans. I'm sorry, Charlie." I bite my bottom lip anticipating her to be angry.

"Oh, are you sure? Is he still there with you? Maybe I can talk to him and have him change his mind," she offers.

I look up at his office - the door is still closed. There's no way I'm going in there to interrupt whatever the hell he's doing just so his sister can talk to him. I just have to deal with cancelling.

"No, you don't have to do that. He, uh, he just went home for the night. Gave me a set of keys to lock up." Ryan would never give me keys to the building, but I'm hoping she doesn't know that. "I'm really sorry though, and I'll make it up to you this weekend. Deal?"

"Okay," she says with a loud sigh. "I love you, Harry."

"I love you too."


I'm about to drift off to sleep when the ding of the elevator echoes throughout the empty office. I immediately sit up straight, thinking Ryan's about to walk by. Shit - but how would he have walked past without me noticing him? I couldn't have been asleep because he would have slammed his hand on my desk to wake me up. I quickly lean over to peer through the small glass window beside his door. I see the top of his head, so he's clearly in there.

Wait - then who's coming out of the -

"What are you looking at?" a sweet voice asks from behind. There's no mistaking who it is.

Turning around, I'm taken back by my beautiful girlfriend. "Wow, Charlie. Wh-what are you doing here?"

"What? Are you not happy to see me?" She bends down to plant a kiss on my lips. Coincidentally, as she bends over, I get a clear view of her chest. I have a feeling that was done on purpose.

I've only seen this dress on her twice - both times on my birthday. It's a short dark black lacy number with a neckline that hangs down just in between her cleavage. She told me she doesn't feel confident enough to wear it and I will be the only one to ever see her in it. Makes me wonder what caused her to put it on tonight - on her birthday.

"I'm absolutely ecstatic. I'm only curious why you decided to come all the way out to the city to see me. This is your day, not mine. You should be spending out with your friends." She takes a seat on my lap, and my hands instinctively wrap around her waist.

"I already told them I was going to be with you tonight, and I didn't feel like making last minute plans. Plus, when you called earlier, I could tell how disappointed you were that my stupid brother was making you stay here all night. I figured we could both use some cheering up." Her arms slide around my shoulders, and she brushes her lips across my neck.

As much as I want whatever she is about to do, I have to stop this. Assistants shouldn't exactly do this sort of thing with their boss only a closed door away.

I quickly try to pull away from her.

"What? Is something wrong?" Charlie asks.

I shake my head, trying to come up with an excuse. "No, it's just your brother -"

"I know. You have work to do, but this won't take long. He isn't even here, so what does it matter if you take a little break?" She smiles and brings me in closer.

I had completely forgotten I told her that Ryan left for the day. She thinks we're completely alone. Well, what do I tell Charlie now to make her sto- without me even realizing it, my belt is undone and the zipper on my pants is down. I lose any train of thought once her hand reaches for me.

I guess I'll worry about whatever it was later.

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