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After spending way too much time arguing back and forth, Alfie and Justin finally come to an agreement on which bar we're going to. For the most part, Noah, Liam, and I don't really have any preference (especially me considering I've only spent a total of a few hours in this town, so I have no clue if Surf Bar or Rita's is the better choice.) In case you're wondering, they settled on Surf Bar.

Luckily, this place is walkable distance to the house, and we don't have to call a cab or have a DD for the night.

"So," Justin comes up from behind to walk beside me and Alf. "Have you been warned about Skyler?"

Alf lets out a laugh. "Oh shit. Skyler's coming?" He asks Justin then faces me. "Mate, when I tell you this chick is something else, I really mean it."

"Yeah, Liam mentioned she's quite the firecracker," I admit. To be honest, I can't really tell if these comments about this girl are good or not. Am I supposed to like her or fear her?

"Firecracker is one way to put it," says Justin. "Last year when we all came down here, she got in a fight with a girl because she was apparently flirting with that girl's fiance. Skyler claims she had no idea what she was talking about, but before any of us knew what was happening, Skyler had the girl pinned down on the ground. It took both me and Jake to pull her off."

Damn, so this girl isn't afraid to speak her mind. Noted.

"I remember that! She's also been known to start her own personal karaoke anywhere and everywhere. It's usually when she gets into the tequila," Alfie explains. "But we all can't help but love her. She's Jake's little sister, and she's done nothing but treat us all like family since day one. Anything you need, she'll risk it all to give it to you."

"Just ask Noah." Justin and Alfie both laugh as we reach the bar entrance.

I'm about to ask what that means when I feel my phone vibrate. I quickly pull it out my pocket and see a familiar name on the screen. "Uh, hey. I'll meet you inside. I've gotta check something real quick."

Each one of the guys pat me on the shoulder as they pass by and head into the bar. I find myself taking a deep breath before unlocking my phone and clicking on the notification. Back when Charlie and I first started dating, she convinced me to turn on my notifications for her social media accounts, so I knew when she posted. I never even thought to turn them off considering neither one of us have posted anything since the breakup. I guess she finally has something worth sharing.

I'm taken to her instagram and instantly her new photo pops up. Charlie stands in front of her mirror dressed in the dress she wore on her birthday - the night that started all of this chaos - and the caption reads moving on. There's not a single doubt in my mind that this is directed towards me. She saw I never unfollowed any of her accounts and knew I would see it. She wanted this to hurt me. I see the game she's trying to play, and I'm not going to fall for it.

So why the fuck does it hurt?

A wave of anger takes over, and without thinking, I kick a bin over that's on the sidewalk, spilling its contents everywhere.

"Whoa, what the hell, man?" Some chick calls out as she's walking past me. "Was that necessary?"

"Maybe it was." I answer in a mumble.

Apparently she hears me.

"Well, I don't think it was. I think you need to pick all that trash up and take your anger issues somewhere else. This is a public sidewalk and people don't need to deal with your personal problems while they're trying to have a good night." She lets out a scoff before heading into the bar I'm supposed to be right now.

Screw this. Why did I even open the stupid notification? Why do I let Charlie have such a hold on me? Why am I spending so much energy on this? I'm in an entirely different country and should be having a good time. So that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Heading into the bar, I find the guys at a high top table. They've already ordered their drinks, with what looks like an extra full beer on the side.

"This for me?" I ask but take a sip before letting any of them answer.

I'm practically done when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Actually that's mine."

Her hand reaches across me, grabbing the glass and taking the last sip of beer.

"First you kick trash all over me, then you steal my beer? Smooth real smooth."

Turning around, I come face to face with the chick that just so happened to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and got covered in rubbish when I kicked the bin over. If she didn't have such a bitch look on her face, then I might actually be able to appreciate her looks - tight blonde curls, perfect lips, a body that perfectly fills out the tight little top she's wearing, and damn, those -

"Harry?" Alfie snaps in front of my face. "Quit fucking spacing out and introduce yourself. This is Skyler, the one we told you was coming."

Skyler? As in Jake's little sister? The one the lads warned me about? The one that got in a girl fight? And I practically threw rubbish on her then drank her beer...? Holy shit.

"Uh, yeah. Hi, I'm Harry." I throw my hand out for her to shake, but she ignores me and heads over to the bar.

My hand slides back to my side when Liam slips into the seat next to me. "Dude, what the hell? You threw trash on Skyler? I thought you were outside taking a call or something, not being a dick to Jake's sister."

"I didn't know that was her. Plus, I didn't throw it on purpose. I got pissed off and kicked a bin. She just happened to be in the way of everything that flew out."

"Well, you managed to cover her in melted ice cream. She came in looking like she was ready to punch someone. You better watch out" He laughs, but I don't find anything that funny because we both know if I'm not careful, I'll be the one she ends up punching.


It's been roughly an hour since we've sat at Surf Bar, and I'd say it's been the same amount of time that Skyler has completely avoided me. Not a single glance, accidental arm bump, or acknowledge that I'm sitting right next to her. I'm pretty sure I've had more eye contact with the old man on the opposite side of the building than her.

I've tried to apologize and start over, but she seems set on her ways. I mean I was warned about her, but damn, I didn't realize she wouldn't even give me the time of day after making just two small mistakes. I even offered to buy her another drink, but she declined instantly. If this is any indication of how the rest of the week is going to go with us being in the same house, I'm in for one hell of a ride - and not in a good way.

"So are you guys ready to head back to the house?" Alf asks the table. We all speak up in agreement. "Cool. I think Jake's up from his drunken nap. He texted me saying he wants us to come back and do something with him. I swear he gets such FOMO."

"I'm actually going to go to the toilet real quick. Give me just a minute and we can leave." Before anyone answers, I'm already off my seat and making my way over to the restrooms. I guess I got a little too carried away with the amount of beers I've had, and now I have to piss like a racehorse.

The toilet is only a single stall, so I quickly do my business to not cause a line outside the door. Although, when I swing the door open, I'm surprised to see a certain blonde on the other side.

"Uh, hey. I think the girls' bathroom is on the other side," I tell Skyler. Instead of answering, she steps directly in front of me, blocking the hallway. "Do you need something?"

Her eyes look me up and down. "I need you to know that I'm not some chick that lets guys like you walk all over her. I know your type. You pull some shit then think a simple sorry will make it all go away. I don't play nice with assholes."

And with that she walks away, leaving me completely baffled. Does she really think I'm the type of guy who takes advantage of girls and think he's better than everyone? When the hell did I put off that kind of vibe? Man, I'm starting to wonder if the term firecracker is an understatement for this girl. I don't think I know what I just got myself into.

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