He spinns the bottle, which lands on me. What a coincidence! I glare at him, as he just smirks at me after seeing who it landed on.

"Well, truth or dare?", he smirks.

"Truth", I say, trying not to seem too pissed.

He looks over at Mere. He better not ask me anything about Meredith. She's still not quite over the move he pulled on her that time on the 4th of July. Before he can open his mouth, Wesley breaks up the situation.

"Horan, hurry up. We don't have forever and I really want to go dowstairs again to dance", my brother speaks.

"I was just about to say something, Wes. Chill out, dude. So, Violet, who was the first and last person you had sex with?", he smirks.

Wow, what a question. It's not even that bad. Luke and I were together in Freshman year and had sex and the last person I had sex with is my ex-boyfriend. He broke up with me before the summer. It was actually a relationship for sex and nothing more. I was pratically the side chick without him even having a main girlfriend. We were kind of fuck buddies. I know, we're high schoolers but the world is crazy. He's gone to college now. Yes, I had sex with someone that was two yeras older than me. There's nothing bad about that.

"First was Luke Turner, obviously, since we were a couple about two years ago", I say, looking over to Luke, then I look back at Niall, "Last was Tobias Crow."

"Tobias Crow?", Wesley shouts at me.

Wesley and Tobias hated each other and I never told anyone who I was seeing, not even Mere, Mia or Riley. Niall's jaw drops, as Wesley stands up, walking towards me. I stand up aswell, almost running away from Wes. Wes is very impulsive. You never know what he'll do. He'd never touch me in a way that hurts me but he can be very intimidating with just a look and a few words.

"Violet Kianna Tucker, you better explain this to me!", he screams at me.

The room goes completely silent. The only sound in here is the music from downstairs, a little bit of mumbling from the people talking downstairs and everyones breathing.

"Well, I bet you'd like to know but I won't tell you, Wesley Finn Tucker. You can kiss my wonderful, trained ass", I tell him, pushing him away with one hand while stepping forward.

Wes takes me by my arm pretty harshly. I gulp. He'd never touch me like this, if he was sober. I shake him off.

"Just because you never liked Tobias doesn't mean I can't hang out with him. He's long gone, calm your titis. I'm not in any way interested to have anything with him anymore", I groan.

Wesley huffs, giving me one last glare before turning back and going back to his seat on the ground.

"We'll disguss the tomorrow at home", he growls.

Conversations build up again. Mere, Riley and Mia give me worried looks, as I step to them. I excuse myself, so I can go into the garden and have a smoke. I'm not in the mood to actually play Truth or Dare anymore. It's just too exhausting and I really need a little calm down. Wesley is way too overprotective. He was like this too when I was in a relationship with Luke. He's just very impulsive. I sit down on the back porch of Niall's house. A few people are scattred in the garden, smoking, drinking, making out, the usual. I pull my cigarettes from my purse and search for my lighter. I can't find it anywhere. Did Jake give it back to me earlier? I can't remember. I let out a groan and close my eyes. I lay my head in my hands with my elbows on my knees. My head pounds. This is the worst "first party of the year". I hear someone step on the porch, walking towards me, probably just wanting to walk past me but the steps stop right next to me. I look up and see the tattooed boy next to me. He sits down on the porch next to me.

"Fuck off, Horan", I growl.

"That's not very nice, Violet", he smirks down at me.

"If you're here to make stupid comments about me or my past, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not in the mood to deal with you or your shit", I tell him.

He nods, getting out his lighter and handing it to me.

"I just saw that you couldn't light your cigarettes", he explains.

The lighter has something written on it. I read it a couple of times, trying to process what's on it.

If you want to fuck, smile when you give this lighter back.

I quickly light a cigarette. I hold the lighter back out to him, not moving a muscle.

"Were you actually trying to make me hate you more, Niall? Because it's working", I tell him, looking him straight in the eyes.

He lights his own cigarette, not answering me for a while.

"Actually not. I'm trying to get a little closer. I mean, your brother told me not to do anything to you, so I'm not. I respect his demands. To be honest, I'd never fuck with you. I'm too scared of your brother", he chuckles.

I stay silent and continue smoking. I really want to go home. Niall and I stay silent but a sort of eager tension lingers between us. I finish up my cigarette quickly before just leaving the front porch to go look after Wes. Even though I'm really mad at him, I need him to drive me home. My feet carry me to the living room. I immedeatly see Wes with Jake and Lilian. My body holds me back, scared of his reaction to my request. I take a deep breath and walk up to him. I tap his shoulder lightly, getting really anxious and shy. Just minutes ago I was really confident in myself. Wes turns around, towering over me.

"What?", he growls.

I just stare at him with puppy eyes, trying to sort my thoughts. My head feels like it will explode.

"C-Can y-you drive m-me home?", I choke out, almost starting to cry.

Tears form in my eyes but I try to keep them in. Wesley scares me so much when he's mad at me. I don't know why but his opinion and feelings matter to me more than my own. After Dad died, Wes changed a lot. He locked himself up and I still can't talk to him like we used to.

"Go find someone else", he tells me, blocking me from his friends view.

I look up at him again and nod. My shoulders slump down and I turn away from him. Wes suddenly touches my shoulder, looking into my eyes.

"I'll bring you home. Just don't start crying in here", he mumbles.

He nods towards the front door, signaling me to lead the way. I start walking, not saying good bye to anyone. Wes unlocks his car. As soon as we're making our way down the road, Wes starts talking.

"Okay, why did you sleep with Tobias?"

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