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Daniel 'Dyre' Wolven did not like it when he was kidnapped, nor did he like it when he was accused of being a 'traitor to the country', but he really didn't like being thrown into a government facility after an unfair trial. His dark brown hair looked black from all the dirt, and his pale skin was so covered with dust and grime that you couldn't even see him surprisingly blue eyes.
He had pleaded and begged, but everyone seemed to think he was called 'Jacob', and they insisted on covering his hands with water constantly, saying that "your Vanguard abilities won't help you now" whatever the heck VanGuard was.

It was only after Two days, three hours and 12 minutes (Dan was really bored) that someone came to speak to him,
"Can I go home now ms ....." The woman simply stared at him. "Do you not realise what you are here for?"
Dan decided that it wasn't worth answering. The woman sighed and shook her head. " Listen, they told me you would be difficult, but please, just answer me Jaco..." " FOR THE LAST TIME, I AM DANIEL WOLVEN!!" Dan screamed. He couldn't believe these people still thought he was this Jacob guy. He had told them multiple times during his trial his name was Daniel Wolven, but they wouldn't trust him, saying " Just like a Vanguard."
The woman widened her eyes at his violent attitude. In fact, see seemed so surprised she ran out of the room.
Daniel was slightly confused after that, before he heard the slow fizzle behind him. Someone began to shout something through the wall, " Ge... o... Wal..." Geo Wal? Get to the Wall! He realised just a second too late to get to the opposite side of the room. Then he blacked out from the explosion that followed.

When he woke up he was tied in a chair, but still not fully conscious. He kept on hearing little snippets of a conversation.
"Jacob..." "Fire starter...." "Not him...." "Membership....." Then, the people went quiet, noticing he was awake.
Suddenly his face was drenched with water, and as Daniel became fully conscious, he realised that nobody was in the room with him, they were all outside of a glass room.  So how had they drenched his face? While Daniel was pondering this fact, an intercom in the corner of the room he had not noticed crackled with static, and after that a voice sounded out, but Daniel could hear double of the voice, just like an echo. " I can hear you without the Intercom." He shouted.
At this there was a lot muttering, a LOT of muttering, Daniel could only hear one thing all of them were saying, "Just like Jacob..." One of them seemed to be studying him intently, actually they All seemed to be staring intently, Just one person more so.
"Everyone QUIET!" the person shouted, and almost immediately everyone just shut up. Daniel's mind was still reeling from the explosion, but he managed to register that the person obviously held authority here, wherever here was.
Just as Daniel realised he was being compared to Jacob by everyone there, the one who had been studying him more intently then the rest said "Do you know where Jacob is, you see..... you look just like him, and he's been missing for a while, and.. and...." the person trailed of, obviously distraught by thinking of Jacob.
Noticing Daniel staring, the person quickly tried to regain their composure.
"My name is Aaron, Jacob is my best friend." Daniel looked at him incredulously, surprised by the seriousness in Aaron's voice, after all, Aaron was obviously not a natural speaker. "Currently you are in the Vanguard HQ, after being mistakenly rescued..." "I told you Aaron, they called him Jacob at the trial." someone called out from the crowd, "yes, yes..." Aaron continued, " but now we see you have similar abilities to...." Daniel suddenly realised what Aaron had said,
"Did you say Vanguard? Daniel interrupted, slightly irritating Aaron who had already been interrupted once. Daniel didn't know why but he suddenly blurted out he wanted to join them, but Aaron simply smiled "Anyone with the ability is already part of Vanguard,  it for active membership you need to prove yourself." It was at that point that a girl burst into the room, with wavy blonde hair, deep green eyes, perfectly tanned skin, Daniel's dream date. So, of course he knew she was out of his league, She looked at him, and suddenly Daniel was sitting on a chair halfway to the ceiling, and when he looked down, the girl had pure fury etched everywhere across her face. Daniel had the urge to say 'You look good when your angry,' but he had a feeling she wouldn't appreciate it.

Authors notes: I hope anyone who finds this enjoys the first chapter of Vanguard, please share this with everyone you know, and please comment, this is my first attempt at writing a book, so of course I need all the help I can get, tell me wether the length is good, or where I could improve on the details, thanks for reading, keep a look out for the next chapter, a lot should get explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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