Public Humiliation

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It's been two days since I've went to school, and I've decided today to build up my courage.

I adjust my backpack strap so it won't be as heavy on me, and I dress comfortably.

I put my hair back in a short, high ponytail and look at myself in my mirror.

I reach out and touch my reflection, my hand tracing my face. Thoughts of Lincoln keep popping up, and every time they do, I hurt a little more.

I've done my best to ignore those thoughts, and I thought that drowning myself in t.v. shows and ice cream would help.

I think it did a little.

I take the stairs one step at a time, and I finally make it down.

The walk to school is longer, since I'm just now getting used to my new body strength.

As I push open the doors, I notice the hallway empty. I ignore it, thinking that I'm late and that everyone else is already in the hallway.

I make my way to my locker, and open it, having to pull it hard. I slide my backpack off and sit it on the ground, while reaching into my locker.

"Hello, Andrea," I hear a high pitched voice down the hallway, and I turn my head to find Whitney. "Remember what I said I'd do if you didn't leave Lincoln alone?"

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I don't know what to say.

She just rolls her eyes. "Okay boys, get her."

As soon as she says this, two tall football players come up behind me. One latches onto my left arm, and the other on the right.

They easily pick me up, and I struggle under their grip.

"Hey put me down!" I yelp. "You guys are asshats!"

I struggle, and even though I don't have my powers, I'm not going to make it easy for them.

I kick and move my legs, but it doesn't seem a do any good as I'm being carried anyway.

If I had my powers I'd be smashing your faces in so hard!

It doesn't occur to me that I'm being carried into the gym until we go through the doors.

The crowd of students cheer as they see me being carried in. The players take me to the center of the gym floor and drop me, rather harshly might I add.

I land on my side, and I let a small curse out when I hit the ground.

As I stand up, I hear a microphone turn on. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!"

I spin around until I see Whitney holding the mic a few feet away from me.

"I'm sure you all know Andrea Stark, right?" She asks the crowd, and they all nod along.

"Well, I'm sure you didn't know she has a big secret!" After she says this the chatter picks up.

"That's right! And does anyone want to guess what it is?"

Multiple voices ring from the audience.

"Being a shut in!"

"How she gets straight A's?!"

"How no one barely talks to her?!"

"I think you mean how no one wants to talk to her!"

Ouch. That one hurt.

"All good guesses! But, Andrea Stark has the incredible gift of super strength!"

There's an audible pause, followed by a generous amount of laughter.

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