Mom, I'm Arrested

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Being shoved into a police car and thrusted to the police station wasn't necessarily how I planned my Friday night.

But I'm here anyway.

"I told you! She did all of this to us!" The thug yelped from the bench he and he's friend were sitting on.

Now that we're in decent lighting, I could see the thugs' details. Black hair, brown hair, black clothing, and the one that I threw in the dumpster had a noticeable scar on his forehead.

"Shut it!" The bulky police man ordered. He then pointed his finger at me, who was sitting by a police desk. "How in the world could this girl have the strength to give you these extensive injuries?!"

The one man who got stabbed accidentally was now patched up, and they were both quivering on the bench. Bandages were on their faces and bodies until they could be treated properly by doctors.

Lincoln was taken in as well, but I'm not entirely sure where he went.

"Did she stab you?" I hear the officer interrogate the man.

He shakes his head 'no', and the officer turns towards me. "But if you didn't do it, then who did?"

I look around the bustling station. "Well..."

"Isn't it obvious, Mr. Officer?" I hear the door open, and in walks Lincoln with a cup of coffee.

Is he serious? He has time for coffee?!

"Then what's the reason, Mr. Brown?"

"Its easy," Lincoln props up on one of the desks. "They beat each other up."

This comment of course makes the two thugs go into a frenzy.

"He's lying!"

"Why would he say that?!"

"I would never!"

"Shut it!" The officer barks and looks back at Lincoln. "Why would they fight each other?"

As the officer asks this question, Lincoln's eyes shift over to me. "Simple," He looks at the officer. "They were fighting over Andrea."

My eyes go wide. That's a convincing lie! It could work!

"Isn't that right, Andy?" Lincoln smiles over at me, and I can feel my face begin to heat up.

"Oh...yeah..." I smile. "They fought over me."

The officer sighs. "That makes sense, I'll take it," He then walks over to his desk. "I have to file paperwork. After I'm done Ms. Stark, you're free to go."

I smile. Yes! I'm not in trouble! And my parents don't even know!

"My daughter! Where is she?!"

My eyes get like saucers. Crap!

The door flings open and my mom runs in, Parker trailing behind her.

He had a thin shirt on and pijama pants. Aww, does that mean he rushed over here to see me? So cute!

My face gets flushed again when he locks eyes with me.

"Andrea!" My mom hugs me first, pulling me tightly.

"I'm fine!" I breathe out. "I'm free to go!"

She pulls away from me, however, and gives me a look that screams 'We'll talk at home.'

Her eyes then go over to the two thugs.

"You! Did you try to harm my daughter?! Why I outta-"

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