7. Bitch Slapped - E

Start from the beginning

She was tall, leggy, blond, and curvy. If this wasn't a date that had been arranged by Lacey and I had asked her out myself, I would be the happiest guy around. Naomi was hot and she was standing at the doors in a dress that couldn't have been sluttier if it tried. So much for the super sweet, down to earth girl.

I shoved off the car and made my way over to her. I did what Lacey asked and looked her up and down slowly, "swaggering" and "strutting" my way to her. Apparently, I was awful at strutting, so Lacey had set up legitimate practice times for me so I could properly woo Naomi and all the girls watching us through their phones.

I never believed it would work, but as I saw Naomi's knees start to wobble, I had second thoughts. Maybe there was something to this whole player persona thing after all. Almost immediately, I got rid of that thought. I didn't want to be like this, even if there were good things about it.

"Hi," she said breathlessly when I reached her.

"Hey." I was not breathless. "Ready?" Instead of walking lessons, Lacey should've sprung for manner lessons. I was so blunt; I could hear how rude I was being. Then again, that was the point.

Naomi hadn't seemed to notice and nodded as I held out my arm for her to take and we started back to the car. I don't think Naomi realized that the walk up to the hotel was cobblestone and her 5" stilettos weren't making the cut for suitable footwear for the night.

I fought back a grin as she stumbled for the third time, the heel of her shoe sliding into a crack in the stones again.

She stayed up right, only barely succeeding in not falling into a pile and dragging me with her. I had a quick flash of Pip and her friend sprawled out in the sand the week before and couldn't stop the smile from reaching my face this time. Their reactions were just so priceless, and Pip was so flustered when I'd asked if she was ok. It was adorable.

"Are you- laughing at me?" Oh, boy. Naomi stopped walking and looked at me with an expression that could only be described as anger, disbelief, and hurt all rolled into one.

I wanted to say that no, I wasn't. That I was only trying to give her a reassuring smile. I couldn't though, so I just shrugged.

"It was funny."

"Really? Wow." Naomi bristled and started stalking away from me to the car.

I followed with an eye roll and slid into the back with her.

"It won't happen again. I just thought it was funny. Forgive me?" I asked, displaying the smile I saved only for my fans, interviews, and photo shoots.

Naomi rolled her eyes. "I suppose you are just like any other guy in some ways."

We didn't have a long ride to the fancy restaurant and Naomi managed to fill the ride with comments about the limo we were in and passes at me to get me to stick my tongue down her throat.

I made small, uninterested replies to her comments and did my best to pretend that I hadn't heard her passes. Every now and then, I had to turn to the window so she missed the revulsion I was sure was so clearly portrayed on my face.

We arrived sooner than expected and I was thrilled. The sooner this happened the sooner it was over.

We stopped out front of the restaurant and posed for the paparazzi. Naomi soaked it up and flourished in the attention and I was more than happy to let her have it. After a while, I decided the paparazzi had gotten enough, but Naomi wasn't having it. It took a bit of coercing and controlling the urge to just throw her over my shoulder and walk in, but eventually we escaped the hoards.

I nodded to myself as my bodyguards got the paparazzi moving on. We'd agreed that they could get their picture before the dinner, not during or after. I'd also hired a bodyguard staff to patrol the area so they couldn't take unwanted pictures after the date of the scene that was undoubtedly going to unfold. I already knew that Naomi and I were a one-night thing and I was going to make sure that I told her that.

By Chance (Accidentally In Luck #1)Where stories live. Discover now