"Actually, the only one here that packs their lunch is Lydia.", Ava answered. "Why don't we go hop in line?", Ava hooked my arm and dragged me to the food line. 

I took a gander at the options that were displayed for lunch, none of which looked satisfying. Hidden in the back was a "Make your own salad" bar, so I decided upon that. Walking to the bar, I made sure to note where Ava was--over by the taco bar. When she came into vision, my eyes drifted past her, onto a boy. It almost looked like the same boy who was staring at me during gym class, and when his field of vision met mine, I knew my observation was correct. 

In an instant, my head flicked back towards the salad bar, which I was inches away from now. Resting on the counter were a pile of wooden bowls. I took one and began to fill the bowl with a variety of greens and veggies. Cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, shredded carrots, and anything else that appealed my appetite. 

Finishing with that, I accidentally knocked an apple off the counter--being the klutz that I am. The apple fell to the ground--or more onto a shoe--and was sent back up, trail blazing up a leg and landing in a pair of hands. Slowly, my eyes followed from the strangers' hands all the way to...his face. Grayson.

"Hello.", he smiled an all too familiar smile.

I returned with a smile of my own, "You gonna eat that?". I was referencing to the apple he had just caught--in the most odd-way might I add. 

He chuckled softly, "No. I saved it for you."

"Is he trying to flirt with me?"

"How sweet.", is all I could manage to say.

"So, are you buying too?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm buying too.", his reply sounded soft, and yet, his eyes hadn't stopped looking at me. 

I continued with my business, grabbing the apple out of his palm, and walking away. That probably wasn't the best way to end the conversation, but I couldn't think of anything better. Besides, it's not like we're friends or anything. As I jumped in line with my bowl of salad, apple, and bottle of water, Ava followed my lead.

"So. What'd you two talk about?", a smirk slowly formed on her face.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Grayson. I saw you two talking at the salad bar.", her head flicked back to where I had my encounter with Grayson. 

Unknowingly, my eyes searched for Grayson, trying to isolate him from the crowd. After seconds, my eyes locked onto him. He was looking down at the cooler filled with bottles of water. A smile growing at his lips. It's almost like he knew I was admiring him--secretly--from afar. He turned around and got into a separate line, and my focus switched back to Ava's question.

"Nothing happened. He just caught my apple from falling to the floor and gave it back to me." I ensured her.

"Well that's not what I was expecting. I thought he may have invited you to the party tonight."

"But didn't you say he doesn't socialize?"

"Apparently I'm wrong, as he's talking to you, right?"

I nodded slowly. "Besides, I'm not of a party person anyway."

Ava's facial expression went from 0 to 100 real quick. "What do you mean 'you're not a party person'?"

"That means I don't like parties." I giggled slightly at her reaction

She stood still, frozen by my answer. "Who doesn't like a party?!" she rebuttled.

"I don't. There's too much going on: with the loud music, alcohol, raging hormonal teens, it's all too overwhelming."

Ava shook her head in disbelief.

"I'm starting to question our friendship.". I laughed hysterically this time, as did Ava.

When we finished purchasing our lunch, we hurried over to the silverware holders and selected what we would need to eat with. I grabbed a fork and Ava grabbed a fork & knife. On the way back to our table, I saw that Javier also had lunch this period, since he was cracking jokes at our table.

"Hey there's my two favorite girls!", Javier smiled brilliantly.

"Oh shut up.", Ava playfully scowled. 

"Make me.", Javier's smile challenged Ava.

Oooooohs and aaaaaaahs circulated around our table, I laughed in response to their childishness. Ava did nothing though. She smiled and began to devour her taco lunch.

Halfway through the period, I had the feeling that I was being watched. Stealthily, I swerved my head around to gaze at my surroundings. When my eyes met with that strange boys', he quickly looked away, embarrassed. The feeling of being watched still hadn't gone away though. I kept searching, scanning the wave of students. As Grayson came into focus, I saw that he was sitting with--who I assumed to be--his twin brother, as they did look alike in some aspects. But I could definitely tell Grayson apart from Ethan. This time, instead of looking away like the other boy did, Grayson flashed me a smile and resumed his eating. 

Drifting out of my mind was the feeling of being watched, and that's when I took it as a time to get to know who exactly that boy is. I leaned in close to Ava and whispered, "Don't be obvious, but there's a boy behind me--three table back. He periodically stares at me, and frankly, I'm a little concerned he might be a serial killer."

Ava's response was similar to that of Momma-bear mode. Doing the opposite of what I told her Ava perked up from her seat, gazing towards the direction I had given. 

When she finally caught wind of who I was mentioning, she giggled at me, like she was mocking me in some manner. "That's Matthew. He's Grayson and Ethan's adopted, younger brother, remember me telling you that?"

My eyes grew wide, and my face blushed with embarrassment. 

"I'll take that as a no.", she huffed, "Anyways, he's practically the social butterfly of the school. He's friends with everyone and anyone, hands-down guarantee.

Then why does it feel like he's scared of me?

A/N: I just want to start by apologizing to everyone out there reading this. School has been hectic and is seriously kicking my ass. But, to make up for the late posting, I made this chapter a little longer than usual. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed; and until next time, PEACE!

P.S. In case your wondering, the picture of the boy--at the top--is what Matthew looks like.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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