Chapter One

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"No! Please! Don't hurt her!"  a shriek of pure terror echoed, frightening me in the process. I frantically looked around me, my eyes anxiously trying to find the source of that terror. But it was useless, only pure darkness surrounded me, engulfing me in an eternal concealment of darkness.

"Please! Noooo!"  that sounded so familiar to me. I knew them, personally. That's because I did. The realization that it was my mother's voice slowly crept into my mind.

"Hello!?! Please, if you can hear me, scream!"  I hollered into the blackness. I waited, patiently, but I got no response. So I started to run--I don't know what compelled me to--but I ran, in one single direction. My legs burned as I continued to run with everything I could muster. 

"Hello!?!"  I called out once more. Still, no response. I came to an abrupt halt as a tidal wave of fear came over me. Whatever was out here, in the darkness, found me. And whatever it was, was getting closer. 

"Please! I can help you! I just need you to scream!"  I wailed. Only seconds after was a cold, cold hand resting on my left shoulder. My body wanted to cry out in panic, but mind wouldn't allow me to. That's when a warm breath of air blew down my neck and I could the hear the faint whisper of, what I presume to be, a demonic being say, "I was just going to tell you to do the same thing.". That's when I felt excruciating pain sending a shock to every nerve in my body. In response, I screeched in horror.

I continued to howl in pain, my voice aching with every intake of air. My body began to shake and rattle violently as a voice, one that I grew accustomed to over the years, spoke to me. My father's. 

"Chloe! Chloe, sweetie, wake up! Clo! It's just a nightmare, wake up!", his voice was anguished and tired.

I woke up, thrashing at my own father, with sweat drizzling down my neck and forehead. My father pulled me into a hug, one that reassured me into believing I was safe. 

"Sweetie, are you all right?", his voice was unquestionably stained with worry, and there was no doubt in my mind that he was in papa-bear mode. 

I clung to him like I was five years old again. I slowly nodded my head into his shoulder and I heard his heavy sigh. "Honey, if this about your mother, you know we can always go talk to someone, right?", he pulled out of father-daughter hug and stared at me, deadeye, with concern. 

Tears slowly dripped from eyes and I sniffled in sorrow. "I know dad.", my voice continued to tremble with fear. Ever since the night my mother and her husband were slaughtered, I would occasionally have a nightmare about it, and the fact that their killer was still out there, unknown and free, didn't help the situation. 

"Well, hey, why don't you get ready for school. By the time you're down, I'll have breakfast made and we'll see how you're feeling about going to school, sound good?", Keith suggested. 

I smiled softly at his proposal. Keith always knew how to put some light on the dark times, especially after my mother's murder. I guess you could say Keith lived up to the title of "Dad".

"That sounds fine.", I gave a reassuring smile and he smiled in return, leaving my room and closing the door behind him. After I heard his footsteps reach the stairwell, I arose from my bed, only to look behind me and see the imprint of my body on the bed. "I really need to get out more.", I laughed at my own thought. I skulked over to my closet and chose an outfit that I knew I'd be most comfortable in [refer to picture at the top].

I followed my morning ritual--taking a shower, applying minimal makeup, putting on my selected attire for the day, and so forth. As soon as I declared myself ready, I made my way to the stairwell that led downstairs. Following the scent of my father's french toast, I practically floated into the small kitchen.

"So, did you decide upon school?", Keith asked, still reading the newspaper. I scooped my pieces of french toast and drizzled syrup on top. "I have,", I said, piling toast into my mouth, "I think I'll go.". Keith looked up from his newspaper, surprised at my answer, and responded with, "Well, you better hurry then. School starts in half-an-hour.", and resumed his reading of the newspaper.

My jaw dropped open at my father's statement, he was right. If I wanted to go to school, I best be on my way then. I shoved another fork-full of toast into my mouth and headed for the front door. "Love you, munchkin.". "Love you too pops!", I said, and I snatched my backpack off the floor and went straight to Keith's spare car, which may not have been the nicest, but it did what it was designed to do. 

My foot was planted into the floor of the car, and if I pushed any further I may have ended up putting a hole through the pedal. As I neared the school, I let off on the accelerator and the car slowed down--not like it was going lightning fast though. I steered the car into a parking spot, away from the crowds in the main parking lot, and stepped out of the rusty car, locking the door right after. 

Peering around the lot, I could see that I was pulling the attention of some boys, some even hollered for me to 'bring that cake over to them', but they were immediately blocked from my thoughts. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and proceeded to walk to the main office to receive my schedule and all. The closer I got to the main entrance, however, the more stares I attracted. "I guess being new isn't too common around here.", my thought echoed in my head. 

When I reached for the door handle to enter the school, I heard my name be called from within the school.

"Chloe!?", a deep voice whooped. Wait a second, I know that voice!

My gaze trailed off to the source from which I heard my name, and my suspicions were correct. "Oh my god! Javier!", I broke into a sprint and leaped into the air, only to cling my arms around Javier's neck. "It's so good to see you! Oh my heavens!,", my day was definitely getting better, "I thought you left town when I did!?", excitement swelled throughout my voice as I squeezed the life out of my best friend.


A/N: Alright everyone, the first chapter is up! If you enjoyed, let me know! I'll get straight to work on the second chapter, so be expecting that late tonight or early (and I mean REAL EARLY) tomorrow morning! I hope you enjoyed! :)

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