Chapter 30

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Collin's body went down quickly. That was my mistake. If I hadn't shoved him, he wouldn't have been such an easy target. Everything else happened quickly. It wasn't until later that I realized what I'd done.

Shannon emerged from the shadows. She stood with her silver dagger in hand. Tear streaks ruined her otherwise perfect complexion. Agony furrowed her brow tightly. Her eyes flicked from Eric back to me. Her indecision was transparent. I don't know how they found me, but they knew I'd been brought here. They thought I was bound. Their faces said it all.

Eric's amber eyes were fierce. His muscles tensed, as he reached for his sword. His head was tilted down, and his jaw was locked tight. With unblinking eyes, he stared at me with condemnation. As if on cue, Eric swung his sword. It gathered momentum, and he thrust it down. Not thinking, I threw myself in front of Collin. But I was too slow. The silver blade sliced across Collin's chest, inches from his throat.

Collin's body writhed. Liquid pain shot through the bond, engulfing me. Scarlet flowed rapidly from his wound. Collin's eyes fluttered once, then closed as the ground became drenched with his blood. The bond slipped, fading quickly. Collin lay in front of me covered in demon blood. It was blood like this that damned me. It was demon blood that tainted him, and ensnared him into a life of servitude.

The unseen cables that bound us together were loosening. The pain that flowed through the bond and into my body was slipping away. It made it so that I could breathe again. Crawling to him, I clutched his body not caring that his blood touched me. I watched helplessly as the boy who saved me bled to death in my lap. My heart was screaming, watching as the boy I loved die in my arms, and I was helpless to stop it. That was the first time I recognized it. I love him. I couldn't let this happen. There had to be something I could do. There was only one option, and it would be gone in seconds.

Before I could contemplate exactly what would happen, I moved. The glint of Shannon's blade caught my eye. I reached for the blade, and lunged at her. The sharp edge bit into my palm, ripping my flesh open. My blood pooled in my hand. I pulled away, barely noticing the shocked faces. Eric and Shannon were poised for an attack that didn't come. I held up my wound. Blood flowed freely, cascading down my wrist in red ribbons. Eric and Shannon stood there with unblinking eyes. Shocked.

Ignoring them, I cupped the blood running from my wound. I opened my fist, placing my hand flat against Collin's scar. The blood pooled into the crescent shape that marred his flesh. I rubbed my bloody palm into the wounds on his chest. The bond tightened. I knew I was doing what it wanted, what he needed to survive. Collin stirred slightly. Let me go Ivy. It's too late.

My heart caught in my throat, "Shh. It'll be all right." His head wobbled, and fell back into my lap. His pain was ebbing. The horrible burning, the seared flesh, the writhing—it was all fading. But, he wasn't healing. The wounds still flowed. The bond was breaking. Although I did what it wanted, I was losing him. I could feel it. He was barely there.

I pulled Collin higher into my lap. Damn it! I did what it wanted. The bond wanted blood. I gave it! And he's still... Oh God. What else did he need? He's demon kissed. The only other thing he'd need is... a soul. With complete certainty, I knew what to do. I took a quick breath to steel myself to the pain. I pressed my lips to his, not caring if I gave the last bit of me.

Eric shouted, "NO!" But, it was too late. The bond swirled around us forming a translucent barricade. A tingly sensation covered my skin, as my lips brushed against Collin's slowly. His lips were warm. The sensation filled my entire body with tingles. His scent was perfect, like the boy from his memory—not the demon slave. And he tasted so sweet, but not like food.

The Valefar part of me didn't surface. The part of me that longed for him didn't want to let go. My body didn't reel in pain, as I anticipated. I knew I was giving him part of my soul. It should have hurt, but it didn't. The longer my lips stayed on his, the stronger he became. The bond had changed. I didn't really notice when, but it had walled us off. Violet and black mist swirled around us, blocking out the noise. Protecting us. A surge went through me, forming a blue light between us.

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