Part 3: Our language

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If you want to be an emo, you have to learn the language.

So here's a very basic guide that you can expand off of.

Ok, I guess.
Yeah, whatever.
Go the fuck away!
Just leave me alone right now, ok?
Let me decay in this corner all alone. See if I care.
Do I really give a shit anymore?
What is this life I'm living?
Is Gerard Gay?
Will Brendon divorce just for the sake of me?
How long until I die?
I have friends... Hell and the band teacher...
Black is a colour.
I prefer black, bitter, hot coffee, to match my soul.

All of these MUST be said in a deep, low growl, never above a whisper.

Thanks for reading, and comment if there are any being an emo parts you'd like me to write. I love Ya'll

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