Part 2: Coming out of the closet.

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I know, coming out as an emo sounds like coming out with a sexuality other than Straight. But you gotta do it eventually. One morning you'll wake up from a well deserved 2 hours of sleep, and you'll take a too cold shower (If you're a morning showerer, I know I'm not but whatever) and then you'll look at the outfit you picked out and go "Oh f**k. It has WAY too much pink and definitly needs to be more punk." then you'll choose extremely ripped black jeans and a black skull sweater and look at it with approval. But you notice that something's missing. You find your mom's black eyeliner and drag it across your top line, and in the bottom water and lash line.

You walk downstairs and your mom screams. Your dad yells at you to take off that wretched makeup, and your little brother starts insulting you, but all you do is walk to the pantry and start to make some cereal. They stop shrieking, but gawk silently, and all you can do is beam at your newfound self.

Yeah, the kids at school are critisistic, and crude, your friends kicked you out of the squad, and the goths think you're too small of an emo to eat your very small lunch with them.

The rest of the day goes basically the same. Loads of people on the bus ride home were whispering stuff loud enough for you to hear. "About time she changes" or "she's an attention seeking Whore" or things like that. All you can really do is pull out your earbuds and your phone and listen to P!ATD and MCR and FOB and TOP (this school is apparently VERY far from your house) but the beautiful voices of Gerard Way and Brendon Urie fill your mind as you start to do another tumblr-esq sketch.
As the bus pulls up at the stop outside your house, you gather your stuff and head off the bus. The stop is 2 minutes away from your house, so you head off to it.
When you get there, your parents are still at work, and your brother is at football practice. You go up to your room, and on your bed, your mother has put 2 presents 1) A P!ATD vinyl disc (she had one made specifically for you) and 2) a Hot Topic card. A true Emo's heaven.

A/N soo uhh it's like 3:30 am and I'm freaking out cause I have school in the morning. I'm gonna look shitty AF cause I legit have NOTHING to use as coverage. Shit! I hope ya'll have a good day. Fuck I have a math test today. Shit shit shit. Alright BYE


A Self-Proclaimed Emo's Guide On How To Be An EmoWhere stories live. Discover now