"Nothing kiddo," Joe said, making eye contact with Barry. Joe was about to say something else to us when he was pulled aside by another police officer. "You two better stop by our house for dinner tonight okay?" Joe quickly added before he walked off with the other officer. Barry and I both nodded in agreement with him before starting our own conversation.

"So, Brooke, I was thinking why don't we go and see dad today. He hasn't seen me since before the coma so I figured why not," Barry chattered. He turned to me and grinned. Barry and I both tried to be optimistic about today and push the thoughts of the man in yellow to the back of our minds. Although it probably wasn't the most healthy option, it was the only one we had since nobody would believe us. Plus even if they did believe us, we know nothing about the man in yellow to help us catch him anyway.

"Yesss, I haven't seen him since last week," I effused. Barry and I left the crime scene and walked to Iron Heights.

We got to Iron Heights after about an hour. We checked in and approached the booths where dad would be sitting on the opposite side of the glass. I had just sat down in a chair when I got a phone call. I excused myself and walked to the bathroom to answer the call. I answered without looking at the name. Oh, what a big mistake that was.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Brooklyn, how've you been sweetheart," a rough, unsettling voice spoke from the other end.

"Um, who are you?" I worried, "and how did you get my number?"

"Oh sweetheart come on, don't tell me you forgot about me already," the voice articulated.

"Answer the question. Who are you?" I breathed.

"I heard Barry woke up from his coma, so if you don't want me to crush that pretty boy brother of yours, I suggest you do as I say," the voice interrupted. The voice ignored my question obviously intent on getting its message across.

"How do you know about Barry waking up?" I quizzed.

"I know everything about you sweetheart," the voice clarified. My eyes widened and my breathing quickened. "Call me tomorrow at 12 o clock pm to show that you'll do as I say. If you call, I'll leave your brother alone. If you don't call....well you'll just have to see...... Also, if you breathe a word about this to anyone I'll kill your brother right in front of you, ya hear me. I'll make you watch him take his final breath," the voice emphasized. My eyes widened and a tear few tears slipped out of my eyes. The voice hung up at call and I slid down against the wall. What am I going to do? I stood up and wiped my face clear of tears and made it seem like I hadn't been crying. I walked out of the bathroom and back to Barry and dad. I took a seat and Barry put the phone between us so we could both hear.

"Hi dad," I smiled sadly.

"Hey kiddo, I've missed you," Dad beamed. I grinned at him before responding.

"I've missed you too. Both of you," I sniffed turning to look at Barry as well. Barry put his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head against his.

"You didn't kill mom. You know we know that, right?" Barry jumped in. I felt tears rolling down my face once more. It's been an emotional few days, so it's easier to make me cry.

"You two believing in me is all I need," Dad consoled. He smiled at us lightly and I felt a few more tears escape my eyes.

"You're not gonna be in here much longer. We're gonna get you out Dad," I blurted.

"Whoever killed Mom....whatever killed her. I think we finally have a way to find them. To stop them," Barry confined. I nodded confirming what Barry was saying.

"Barry, Brooklyn, we've talked about this. It's time to let it go. You two have got to stop worrying about me, and live your lives," Dad advised. I kept crying but I smiled lightly. Barry let out a short breathy laugh before continuing.

"For the first time, I feel like I finally can. The truth is ever since the night mom died, I've been stuck in one place, missed out on a lot of things. But I'm different now. I've made some new friends. They're helping me find my way....to finally move forward," Barry sniffled.

"Remember when you wanted us to change our names, so we wouldn't have to deal with people knowing you're our Dad?" I recalled. Dad nodded and looked down while Barry looked at me. Both of them had tears in their eyes. "We're glad they know. We're so proud to be your kids," I wept. I was full on crying at this point while Barry and Dad just had a few tears. Dad looked at me with love and Barry tried to pull my farther into his side, if it was even possible.

"I love you both," Dad cried.

"We love you too Dad," Barry echoed. Barry put his hand up to the glass and Dad put his hand up on the other side. I smiled lightly at the sight of their hands, Barry is an adult but Dad's hands are still slightly bigger. The security guard then lightly tapped on Dad's shoulder and took him back to the holding cell.

"Bye slugger, bye sweetheart," Dad called before standing.

"Bye Dad," Barry and I chorused. The guard flashed us sympathetic looks, as always, before he led Dad away. Barry and I got up and we left.

Barry's POV

My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. A friend recently gave me an idea for a new name. And something tells me, it's gonna catch on.

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