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Hey guys, I think this story has been my most favorite because it brings back Brian and Paul. And that's what I wanted to do for you guys, make the F&F Family whole again. So hopefully this last part will be good for you guys. Enjoy.

***New York City, Team's Apartment***

It was late afternoon and the team was still up on the roof of the building. Brian was catching up with Tej and Roman while Hobbs was talking to his daughter, Samantha. Dom, however, was watching Letty, Mia, and Ramsey play with Little Brian. It warmed his heart to see another caring side of Letty. Loving him was one thing, but to be able to act like a caring mother was a whole new ball game. And he could tell she was gonna be good at it.

"Scary isn't it?" Brian said bringing Dom outta his thoughts.

"What?" Dom asked.

"Becoming a father."

Dom let out a small laugh in agreement and nodded. He looked back at the rest of the group to see that Tej and Roman had joined them in playing with Little Brian. Looking at them, Dom realized Brian was right. He did feel different now that he had a son of his own. He figured he'd have WAY down the line. But now, he felt afraid for his son. He promised that he 'd keep him safe, but wasn't sure how to go about doing it. Sure he was able to do it this time because he had help, but what about next time.

"But you know, I've learned that no matter what, you always gotta make time for them," Brian said, "Just drop whatever it is you're doing and just be with them. Kinda like what we did for you."

"You're a great father, Brian," Dom said patting Brian on the back, "I just hope one day I can be a great father like you and Hobbs."

"You already are," Hobbs said walking up to them, "You're just like us, Dom. You're a fighter, and that's what you gotta do for your kid. Fight for'em. And after this whole thing with Cipher, we've all seen how you've taken care of him and fought FOR him. So you'll be ok."

"Thanks, Hobbs," Dom said shaking hands with his friend.

"Damn Hobbs, never took you for one to give emotional speeches," Brian said with a laugh to which the Dom and Hobbs did too.

"Well when it comes to things like being a father, I have my moments."

"Well, at least we'll be better fathers than you," Dom said taking a swig of his Corona.

"How do you figure that?"

"We won't lie to our kids."

"When have I ever lied to my daughter?"

"You mean other than the time you told her you kicked my a** back in Rio, you tell me," Dom replied.

"Um that wasn't a lie, I did kick your a**," Hobbs laughed as he remembered when his told daughter told Dom about the Rio fiasco.

"Uh, as I recall, it was you on the ground and me on top in the end," Dom retorted, " And Brian was there, Brian who was on the ground me or Hobbs?"

"Hobbs was. And you had him pinned down with a wrench, at least that's how I remember it," Brian said before taking another gulp of his drink.

Dom gave Hobbs a 'told you so' look, to which Hobbs replied with a 'whatever'. The three fathers looked toward the rest of the group with smiles. Happy that they could share a moment like this.

"Hey Hobbs, I'm sorry I rammed you," Dom said, going back to when Dom crossed them during the Berlin job. "But when I saw that they had Elena, I just had to do it. But, I am sorry."

Hobbs could hear the sincerity in Dom's voice. To be honest, he'd actually forgotten about that. But for Dom to come forth with an apology like this, just proved that he was still a good man.

"No worries brother," Hobbs empathized putting a hand on Dom's shoulder, " To be honest, If I was in your shoes and Cipher had my daughter, I'd probably do the same thing. Besides, you can just count that as payback for when I crushed your Charger back in Rio."

The three laughed at that. And as they laughed, they understood that they were good fathers and that they would always fight for their family. All the way to the finish line.

I know I said that this would be the last part but I wanted to add one last piece to make you guys want a sequel to this story. Kinda like a post credit scene. So sit tight, it's coming.

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