Chapter 8: Family Barbeque

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For me, my favorite part of the Fast and Furious movies, other than the action scenes, is the family barbeques. It's a time for the team to talk, laugh and just be at peace. And all of them had Brian, except F8. So I really hope this one is as good as the others. Enjoy.

***New York City, Team's Apartment***

The team was hanging out on the roof of the building. Hobbs was talking to his daughter, and Dom was standing next to Letty waiting for his son to arrive,

"Don't worry, he's gonna be here soon," Letty said comforting her husband before kissing his shoulder

Meanwhile, Brian was watching and listening as Roman and Tej were trying to convince Ramsey to date one of them.

"Yeah I know you two got a lot in common," Roman stated," Computer hacks, God's Eye, geeks, nerds, you know. But WE got a lot in common too."

Tej scrunched his face at that,"Like what?" He asked, completely confused.

"We walk in a room, and we're oozin' sex appeal. Me and you, hip to hip? It's a problem, I'm asking a real question right now. Is it gonna be... Revenge of the Nerds,"

Tej frowned at his friend while Brian and Ramsey laughed at Roman's statement.

"Or... The Dark Knight?"

To be honest, I like both of you." Ramsey said.

Tej and Roman smiled and nodded and laughed with each other in a crazy fanboy way before Ramsey cut them off.

"But, just before we get into all of that, what's my last name?" The two's eyes went wide at that.

"Ooh, what's the matter, guys? Cat got your tongue?" Brian asked, trying very hard to not burst out laughing at his friends.

But Ramsey had a point. The team had known Ramsey for almost five years and NO ONE knew her last name. They weren't even sure if she even HAD a last.

"Well, when you figure it out then, I guess you can let me know," She said walking away with a smile.

"It's-it's gonna be Parker," Tej said trying to get her to stay," That's all that really matters."

"Jones! Right?" Roman tried.

"Heeey Ms. Parker."

"Tej, did you really just quote Friday?" Brian laughed.

"Yeah I did, Brian, cause the same situation applies here," Tej explained

"Well, good luck, buddy."

Just then, Mr. Nobody and Little Nobody showed up with, Mia with her and Brian's kids and Shaw holding Dom's son. Mia, seeing Brian talking to Tej and Roman, walked over, to which Brian met his wife halfway and hugged her and kissed her before turning to his kids. Meanwhile, Shaw walked over and set the baby down right next to Dom.

"What made you think I'd do it?" Shaw asked.

"Brotherhood," Dom answered, "Saw that look you gave Cipher, knew you wanted revenge. Glad I did it."

Dom offered his hand for a handshake, to which Shaw took and shook. Before walking to the table, Shaw backtracked.

"I can't believe you went to see my motha," he said unbelievingly.

That made Dom smile, as did Shaw, and the two shared a laugh before Shaw walked to the table a sat down. Looking back towards his son, Dom picked the baby up and kissed his head.

"All this fuss over you," Dom said smiling wider than he ever did. Bring him down to his chest, the baby looked up to the sky and reached out as if to touch the clouds. Looking up, Dom what understood what he meant, "Elena, I promised to keep our son safe. And now he always will be."

Looking back down, Dom walked over to where Letty was sitting down. As he walked over, he saw her smiling at both him and the baby.

"I wanna introduce you to the most important person in my universe," Dom told the baby, "One who'll never give up on me."

Grabbing Dom's hand, Letty smiled knowingly as she stood up.

"He's beautiful," Letty said tickling the baby's foot.

A little later, the whole team, Mia, the kids, Shaw, Mr. and Little Nobody were seated at the table listening to Dom give a speech.

"You've heard me say," Dom started, "That you never turn your back on family. And I wanna thank you all, for never giving up on me."

The team smiled as they were moved by Dom's words. Of course they would never give up on him, he was a friend, he was family.

"You wanna meet them?" Dom asked the baby, "Alright. Everyone, meet Brian 'Paul' Marcos."

The entire table laughed, smiled and applauded hear the baby's name. There were multiple shouts of 'Yeah, Brian!' and 'Welcome to the family, Brian,' to which Little Brian applauded to as well.

"Ok, I guess it's my turn to say grace," Dom said as he sat down.

As he said the prayer, the entire table joined hands. They were a family once again, a complete family that, no matter what the circumstance, would NEVER, give up on each other. Never.

Well, that's how I saw that scene. Hope you guys liked it, Brian's parts were really played by ear so I hope they weren't too bad. And I know that Vin Diesel paid homage to Paul Walker by calling his son Brian Marcos, but I made this story for Paul so that's why I gave Little Brian the middle name Paul, hope it was right.  Also, I wanna thank the guy who commented: I think that Justin Bieber should be in your Fast 9 story. I really appreciate that, thank you. Well, there's just one more part left guy, and that is the epilogue. So stay tuned and I'll see you next time.

F8 - You Don't Turn You Back On FamilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz