Chapter 20: The Witch and Her Wolf

Start from the beginning

Peter stared up at his nephew, ignoring the pain as he hissed, "You've - already - decided." He exclaimed. "I can smell it on you!"

"Wait! No, no! Don't!" Scott stepped back in shock when Derek slashed Peter's throat and felt a lump in his throat.

Derek, despite the small feeling of guilt he felt for hating used and lied to Scott knew that he had to do what he did in order to exact revenge for his sister. He turned back to all of them, his eyes glowing a bright red. "I'm the Alpha now."


After going back to the hospital where her uncle had scolded her for leaving with a hunter that could have hurt her and an alpha that could have killed her, Imogen found herself in her room alone. She was relieved to hear from her uncle that Lydia was fine but he had no clue if she was going to turn into a werewolf since her bite wasn't healing.

But right now all she felt was worry since she and Scott hadn't spoken after watching Derek kill Peter since Chris offered her a ride back to the hospital. It was during that car ride that both her and Allison spoke about how long they knew about the other which wasn't that long. They were still friends despite the obvious wariness that Chris held in his eyes and told her that witches were also hunted.

He explained that just like there were good witches who practiced light magic there was also witches who used dark magic and told her that if she ever used dark magic than she would be facing the same consequences as a werewolf would if they killed an innocent. It had been an agreement that her family kept with the Argents. It was why her Uncle was protective of her especially when the Argents were around.

Even though she knew she had nothing to worry about since she never planned on using dark magic, she still felt a bit wary of Chris' obvious threat though.

The tapping on her window knocked her out of her thoughts and she stiffly approached her window, opening the curtains and her blue eyes filled with confusion when she saw Scott outside.

Unlocking her window, she opened it. "What are you doing here?"

He climbed in through her window. "I thought we should talk." He had finished going to the hospital with Stiles to check on Lydia to see if she was turning into a werewolf like but the two were surprised when they saw the bite still there. The question of what she could possibly be lingered in their minds.

"Here to break up with me?" She mused jokingly as she sat on the edge of her bed.

His eyes widened and immediately shook his head. "Of course not." He didn't want to break up with her.

"I was joking." She laughed softly and he gave her a bemused look. She sighed. "But, you are right. We should probably talk about the secrets we've been keeping from each other."

He nodded, sitting down beside her and began to tell her of the night he was bitten by Peter after Stiles and him had gone into the woods to search for the dead body. She quietly listened as he told her how Derek had showed him a few things about control and using his senses. Telling her about how he found out about the Argents and how Jackson had somehow found out. How the jock had threatened him and how difficult the full moons were for him. That is until he told her how she was his anchor and being around her kept him from wanting to rip someone's throat out.

Once he was done with his own story, she began telling him of how her magic had begun to leak out of her, causing weird things to happen around. She told him about how whenever she touched someone connected to the supernatural that she'd see some kind of image about them and about how it was her uncle who knew about her witchy side. After telling him of how she'd only known for a short amount of time, she showed him her grimoire and how she was still learning.

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