“Real specific. Thanks for your help.” I muttered sarcastically, pulling open a drawer. I stared at the small variety of clothing in front of me. Even if I wanted to wear something other than Caleb’s suggestion; I didn’t have the material to make it happen.

I decided on a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a black tank top and black boots with a silver buckle. I slipped into the outfit as quickly as possible before rushing out of the small room.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” I asked Caleb again, packing my room key, phone and hand sanitizer into a small bag.

Caleb ignored my question completely. “Put a jacket on.”

I looked down at my outfit and remembered the cold air outside. “Right. Good idea, thank you.” I grinned sheepishly before dashing back into the room and pulling out a woollen maroon coloured cardigan.

“What if Nora asks if you were here? What do you want me to tell her?” I asked Caleb while pulling my hair out from underneath the cardigan.

Caleb let out an annoyed sound from the back of his throat. “I’ll talk to her. You’re so useless.” He scowled, getting off his bed and making his way towards the door.

I blinked back at him in shock, unsure what triggered his random outburst. He opened the door before turning to face me. “Are you planning on standing there all night?”

“Whatever PMS.” I shot back, grabbing my handbag and rushing out of the room after him.

“Shut up.” He grumbled, speeding up the pace in front of me.

I struggled to keep up with him as we made our way back to the cafeteria. “So why aren’t you going tonight?”

Caleb ignored me.

“Conversationalist at your finest.” I mumbled sarcastically.

“Do you ever, I don’t know, close your mouth and give your voice box a rest?” He snapped, stopping in his tracks to turn and face me.

“Do you ever, I don’t know, be nice to people?” I shot back, getting annoyed at his anger.

“Yes.” He replied in a bored tone.

I grimaced uncomfortably as I tried to readjust my left boot, before looking back up at him. “Just walk without me, I think I’m dying.” I over exaggerated, sitting on the cold grass.

Caleb muttered something with a clenched jaw before he stomped over towards where I was rubbing my ankle. “You’re such a dud.”

“No, I think there’s – hey! What are you doing?” I squeaked, clutching onto his neck as he lifted me off the ground bridal style.

“Taking you to Nora.”

“I told you to go without me!” I exclaimed, feeling self-conscious from our closeness.

“I was going to; but then I remembered she’d decapitate my head for ‘abandoning’ you.”

I rolled my eyes at his logic. “Well I’m glad to be such a large priority in your life.”

“You’re not.”

“It was sarcasm.”

“I know it was.”

“Then why did you respond with that? And put me down, I know how to walk.” I frowned.

“My grandmother walks faster than you do.”

“Hey you guys! It’s about time! Caleb, where have you – why are you holding Ella?” Nora asked with a confused expression, running up to us.

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