Christmas Special

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- This special episode continues after the story of 'Red like Roses'. Amy is my own character. If you wish to know what happened before, I suggest you check out 'Red like Roses' before reading this one. Contains small spoilers to RLR. -

When the first day of December had finally come, the ground was completely covered in snow. The nights had turned darker, the air colder and the days shorter. 

And for the first time, the slender mansion was celebrating Christmas.

They had never done it before, no matter how much Splendor had insisted and cried. The poor soul has always loved all kinds of holidays, especially Christmas, because the holiday was all about joy, kindness and love. Also, he loved the mood this special time of the year gave him. Gifts, all kinds of food, decorations, Christmas music, A Christmas tree, Christmas gingerbreads ...

And most importantly, time with your family.

But never before they had spend Christmas together. Years of being near Splendor and his vivid nature, made the other brothers just grow to be annoyed of him. Trender was too busy making his own fashion shows (though during winter, he designed Christmas outfits), Slenderman was not interested in any activity like that and Offender was just being his mean cocky self. Christmas just wasn't for everybody. And definitely not for this dysfunctional family.

The mansion wasn't a place for such happy holidays, anyway. They were monsters, after all. And they had no understanding of the human behavior. And Splendor had only read about Christmas from children's story books, so in the end, none of the brothers truly knew what Christmas was even about. So they had decided to never celebrate it, no matter how much Splendor decorated their home to look like a shopping mall two weeks before Christmas.

That was until they heard Amy singing Christmas songs the whole day.

It was a weird sight to see her that bright. Christmas was still 15 days away, but it was like it was celebration for her every day. Amy would secretly decorate the mansion with the little decorations Splendor had kept hidden from his brothers, and she would be constantly asking what the brothers would want for Christmas. She never got an answer. 

It was even weirder to see her that happy, despite the fact this was her first Christmas without her family.

They had first heard her just humming different tunes whenever she was cleaning, working or even just reading. None of them saw it as a big deal, but one night they heard actual singing coming from the parlor.

The signing wasn't that good, if they were all honest. Amy's voice was weak and shy, but it still echoed around the room loud enough for them to hear it. She couldn't reach the highest notes and the lowest notes came out almost silent. It seemed like she was too shy to actually sing. But the red head did it anyway.

Amy even had tried to play the piano. She had luckily found a book from the library that had different kind of songs in it, and some of them were holiday themed. She pressed the wrong keys every now and then, but she was quick to correct herself before continuing to play as calmly as possible.

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