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Daisypetal was walking along the stream that bordered the two clans. FlameClan and StreamClan. Thunderstar had said to not go out to the forest because bad weather was on the way, but Daisypetal had persuaded him because she needed more herbs. As she was walking she felt a raindrop hit her nose, she shook it off with a disdainful sniff. She need more dock leaves and there was a perfect spot right by the ash tree. As she was walking she heard the loud unmistakable sound of lightning hitting a tree. The tree closest to her lit up in flames on the territory of StreamClan. Daisypetal watching more closely to the flames, her body stiff and ridged. The flames were taking up the form of a cat. another loud crack rang out through the forest and the tree toppled over the stream. And the flaming cat began creeping down the tree, a piece of bark fell off into the stream, taking the flaming cat with it. Rain started pouring down as though a river was in the sky. putting the fire out and flooding the stream. Daisypetal shook her head, and looked again. the stream was perfectly fine and the fire was out. But Daisypetal's fur stood on end. She quickly gathered her dock and raced back to camp. She got back to camp just in time to hear Crystalheart let out a squeal of pain, coming from the nursery. She was starting her kitting. Daisypetal gathered what she needed and went into the nursery. Her gaze carefully expressionless, the flaming tree had been an omen. but Daisypetal just wasn't sure what it meant.

In no time, the queen had given birth to two kits. One tom and one she-cat. The She-cat was small, and her pelt was dappled with tabby spots. While the tom was jet-black, with nothing but a white chest and a ring around his short Manx tail. "The tom looks just like his father." Crystalheart purred as she watched her kits nurse. "I wish Spiderfur could have seen them." she meowed, her gaze filled with sadness. A twinge of guilt left a stone in Daisypetal's belly. The tom had been recently killed in battle with StreamClan, he had gotten a slashed throat. Daisypetal hadn't been able to stop  the blood and the tom died right under her paws. Daisypetal shifted her paws uneasily. "What are you going to name them?" She asked the queen. Crystalheart pushed her muzzle into her kits pelts. "The tom will be Raccoonkit and the she-cat will be Heatherkit." She purred softly. Daisypetal wondered if one of these kits had something to do with the Omen.

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