6. Oh, my GOD! IT'S THEO ARCHER!! - Cora

Start from the beginning

She was on her feet before I'd even finished my sentence. "YES!" she cheered, fist pumping. "I've wanted to give you a makeover for a long time. I mean, I know your mom's in the fashion industry and all, but you've learned nothing from her."

"Oh gee, thanks."

"You know it's true. I mean, I know you don't get along all that well and stuff since... well, yeah, but you could still learn from her. Now come on. Before it gets busy." She put her shorts and shirt on and grabbed her bag while I looked around. She was right. The beach was deserted and we only had an hour or so before it was filled with people. We'd better hurry if we don't want to worry about our stuff getting stolen.

Half an hour later, we were back under the umbrella and I was decked out in completely new stuff. Elle had convinced me to buy really short (albeit really cute) shorts, a cropped tank top, and a deep red bikini. It wasn't as scanty as she wanted, but there wasn't enough fabric there to convince that I could ever be in waves while wearing the thing.

Elle was back in the water and I drug my towel out into the sun. I was on the beach; I might as well use it. I'd coated myself in about 10 layers of sunscreen and laid out, enjoying the sun.

After a while, I decided to flip. You know, so I don't look beautifully golden on one side and like an uncooked chicken breast on the other.

Mid flip, I saw a figure surrounded by a few people. I sat up and watched for a second before a dripping wet Elle appeared in front of me. "It's him!" she said breathlessly. "It's Theo! Come on!"

Before I could object, she had my arm and was dragging me towards him and his entourage.


"Shh. I'm doing this and you're doing it with me."

I resigned and started running ahead of her, taunting her. "Well if we're gonna go, we might as well get there."

We were just catching up with the group of people that was growing by the second around the singer. That's when Theo Archer, who was turning around hugging fans and getting pictures, turned a final time and looked straight at me. A smirk lit up his already beautiful face.

Famous Boy.

I'd love to say I just stopped dead out of shock and Elle rushed past me blowing my hair attractively around my face, but this is reality. And in reality, I was so shocked that I tripped over my own feet, crashed headfirst into the sand which caused Elle to trip over me and fall directly on top of me, knocking the breath from my lungs and resulting in an unladylike and unattractive "oof" as we got all wound up together.

We laid there for a second, out of breath before untangling and righting ourselves and I could feel my face burning with embarrassment as my booty burned in the hot sand.

Elle was faring no better beside me and I saw that her face was a lovely shade of cherry as well.

Then Theo was standing in front of me, hands extended to help me to my feet. I accepted the help and little tingles shot up my arms as he grabbed my hands and it wasn't an unpleasant sensation, but I still let go quickly. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I know I didn't want it happening right now in front of all these people.

"You alright, Pip?" he said lowly in my ear, while looking me up and down. I realized that I was still only wearing the new bikini I'd gotten a few hours earlier and immediately crossed my arms over my stomach, feeling extremely self-conscious.

Pip? I wondered. Where'd that come from?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," I mumbled back.

By Chance (Accidentally In Luck #1)Where stories live. Discover now