While they travelled to a lake, Kaiden's heart was beating fast. He was aware that no matter how many times he pushed the angel out or rejected his love, it will overwhelm him in the end. He didn't think it would happen so soon.

The sound of running water was heard before they even touched the ground. Kaiden put the angel down and started taking off his shoes. Meloras watched the water flow; it was music to her ears. She crouched on moss covered rocks and dipped her fingers into the cold fluid. For the first time in a very long time, she felt free and at ease with her life.

Milokan wondered away from the demon and sat down on a comfortable patch of grass. Kaiden stripped off his clothes, not caring about exposure. The angel didn't mind. He saw naked souls all day in heaven. There was no difference in seeing a bare vessel. Although, the scars on Kaiden's back looked incredibly sore when Meloras tenderly pulled off his dressing. The angel couldn't hold back his surprise of horror. New scars sat on old scars. The amount of torture that Kaiden has gone through is now clear. Hell is indeed a place of torment and abuse.

"It will hurt when you get into the water. Don't stay too long while the sun rises. Humans are strange about privacy, and there's no way of telling if there are any nearby." Her son nodded before turning and climbing in. The water levelled instantly up to his waist. The current was gentle, but the pain in his eyes grew rough.

Milokan watched how he gritted his teeth and pushed through it. His mental strengths are incredible, and hopefully, that will be a quality in which he can learn from the demon.

"Kaiden, would you like me to wash your clothes for you?"

The demon turned, hearing his tame voice perfectly over the running water.

"No, I'll do it myself." The angel nodded and crossed his legs, looking a little bored. "Thank you for offering, though."

Meloras looked down and hid her smile. Her son finally expressed some form of manners. Kaiden was surprised by his own words and sunk underneath the water. All the noises stopped when the liquid filled his ears. His feet stood on slimy pebbles, and the feel of the angel's soul intertwining with his remained vibrant. Fish swam the other way, sensing a vile aura. Kaiden's thirst to kill hit him as sudden as Milokan's affection.

He clutched some weeds, keeping himself underwater. He kept telling himself not to kill, he didn't want to upset the angel, but this only made him frown deeper. Kaiden's eyes turned to black. The burning sensation of holding his breath was the only thing distracting him from his real demon traits. His lungs felt like they would burst.

When his grip trembled, he couldn't hold himself down anymore.

He plunged his head out of the water and stormed over to the bank. As he took deep breaths, he was faced with the angel, crouching by the side of the of the river bed, watching him calmly.

"You will not kill anything in my presence."

Meloras tilted her head, confused. The angel was starting to understand the bond and how to separate his feelings from the demons.

"I have to." Kaiden tried getting out of the lake, but Milokan rested a firm hand on his shoulder. It felt warm and jolted Kaiden's heart, altering his needs to kill.

"No, you do not. You are better than that. You can learn to have some self-control."

Kaiden glanced at his mother. Her eyes of disapproval altered him further, and he sank down, dropping his head onto the grass next to the angel's knees.

"I understand that it is hard, but you were fighting against it for a reason. Let us help you if you need it."

"I don't need anything from you!" Kaiden roared and pulled himself up. He reached forward and gripped the angel's neck with his cold and wet hand. Meloras stood up at lightning speed, but the angel barely even blinked, his heart didn't even skip a beat.

"You might want to re-think that statement. Without my soul, you will die." His voice vibrated against Kaiden's palm. "I am your soulmate, so I would think very carefully about treating me this way. I am not afraid of you; I am not afraid to stop you."

Milokan's eyes were bold, challenging, and tense. Although, everything else about him was relaxed and stayed that way.

Once again, the demon found himself respecting his reckless attitude. He enjoyed it and would like to see more of it.

"Where is your anger?" he questioned and removed his hand from his throat. "You've had a tough time in heaven, so it got provoked." Kaiden watched him sigh, but he pressed on. "Angels are not daring beings. You still prove me wrong. There's a fire within you. The day I see that will be the day you get my love."

Kaiden let go of the river bank and sank down under the water, hiding his blush from Milokan, who blushed enough for them both.

"If he would like to see a fire, he will get an explosion. Your son should be careful with what he wishes for." Milokan walked back to where he previously sat, listening to Meloras chuckle.

"I would like to see that, Milokan. I can't imagine it from an angel, but you have surprised me so far. I won't doubt you for a second."

He linked his fingers together and stared hard at the moving water. If Kaiden wanted a temper, then that is what he shall receive.

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