Chapter 7

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I ran into my room and shut the door. I had no idea what was going on outside but i could hear the feral growls of wolves fighting coming from outside in the forest, im gonna be honest i was scared as hell i could feel my heart racing it felt like it was gonna beat right out of my chest.

" Snow?" I said in my head trying to talk to my wolf i had no idea if this would work in my human form but i needed to try i couldnt handle being completely alone right now. Suddenly I could feel furry paws kinda walking in my mind and then i could see her looking at me.

"Yes dear?" She asked as she sat down and watched me concern etched onto her face. "Whats going on you look completely scared out of your mind"

"Thats because i am Snow" i said as i walked over to the window seat and sat down openingthe window allowing the sound of the wolves fill the room around me.

"Oh my... what's going on do you know?" She asked and it was obvious she was trying to hide the fear in her elegant voice.

"No i have no udea whats happening Cera told me to come up here and stay until someone i knew came and got me.....but i feel as if i shiukd be out there helping i mean im a wolf to arent i?!?" I was trying my best to stay calm but my mental voice was rising and i was close to shouting and i could hear Snow growl sharply in my mind i dont think she appreciated my attitude.

"Calm down dear getting pissed will not help your situation. Yes you are a wolf but you are not trained you would get killed out there before you realised whats happening you may have a small chance if i were in control but i am not very strong yet either. So we will wait here until we are retrieved." She said this as if it was the simplest thing in the world and then trotted back to the back of my mind and went to sleep, i didnt hear from her again for awhile.

I then shut the window and sat on my large bed trying to tune out the sound of the growling.


I must have dozed off because my eyes flung open when i felt this aching in my heart it was a similar feelingi had when i found out my mother was dead i no longer cared tgat Cera tild me to stay in my room i jumped offmy bed and flung the door open as i ran out instantly i was engulfed into big strong arms and enveloped by the scent of the woods and chocolate i knew it was Luke.

"Hey Alexis..." he said moving me so i was looking up at him.

"What happened is everyone okay i heard the wolves i know there was a fight is anyone hurt??" I placed a hand on my chest to soothe the aching i still felt there.

"The pack was attacked by some rogue wolves and we lost a couple pack members. Are you okay?" He said looking at me with a concerned expression.

"No im not okay..... i-i feel like a peice off me was just ripped out of me." I didnt even realize i was crying until i felt him wipe away my tears with his thumb.

"Wow you havent even taken on the responsibility of the pack luna and yet you can already feel the loss if members of the pack.. t-that is amazing." I glared at him.

"Thats not amazing! It hurts! I do not want to feel that everytime someine dies!" I down my cheeks.

"Oh sweetie you wont feel it everytime just when it is more then three." He said sympathy etched into his voice as he pulled me into another hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Did you fight?" I mumbled my face buried into his warm firm chest.

"Yes i did..." he answered and i could tell it was the truth.

"Who are the rogues? And what did they want?" I asked as he picked me up bridal style and took me back into my room.

"I will tell you later right now you must sleep you look exhausted" he said as he pulled back my blankets and layed me down and covered me up then he kissed my forehead, but before he could pull away i wrapped my arms aroynd hisneck and pulled him back down to me i meant to kiss his cheek but missed (and by missed i mean i couldnt reach) so i kissed his nose. He smiled happily and waled out of my room after a small struggle of trying to get out of my arms.

Sleep consumed me quickly after he left and i slept for ahwile until i was woke up by loud growling and crashing.


Luke POV

I smiled as she pulled me back into her and kissed the tip of my nose, i heard ny wolf purr in satisfaction of oyr mates cute dusplay of affection, after a moment she reluctantly released me and allowed me ro leave the room.

After i left her i went to my office and sat at my big red oak desk i gad work i needed to dobut u ciuldnt focuson anything right now my mind kept going over what happened earlier that day....


My wolf was on the verge of taking control as i ran through the woods as fast as my paws would carry me i ran past my pack members fighting with rougues but i was after a certain rougue i could smell him and i knew he could smell me. I lept over a bush and pounced on him smashing him into the ground he growled as hus head was stuck under my paw i growled in his face.

"What are you doing here Jerome!" I growled

"You should know exactly what I'm doing here Luke my little cousin has found his mate and my leader wants her" he barked back.i was shocked i had no idea what he meant but i was gonna find out.

"What the hell are you talking about!?!" I put alittle mire pressure on his head under my paw until he whimpered so he knew i wasent pissing aroumd, if this had anything to do with my mate i was not about to take it lightly.

"Your new mate means simething to my leader and mark my words by her first heat they will have her so good luck." He smirked and i didnt give him a chace to say anymore before my wolfcompletely took over me and ripped his pathetuc head right off his shoulders.

End of flash back

I had no idea what Jerome meant and i probably shouldnthave killed him until i found out i was just so PISSED! I couldnt let him live.

"FUCK!!!" I growled and threw my desk against the wall it shattering to splinters. And even that didnt get rid of my anger, i then preceded to punch holes into the wall a d when that failed to cooly anger i vegan breaking more of the items in my office starting with the three chairs, then the shelving unit along the wall i was about break the coffee table when i felt little arms wrap around my waist and my nose was filled wuth the scent of raspberrys and vanilla which i knew blonged to my mate i turned to see her hugging her and i picked her up her arms goingaround my neck and her legs around my waiste i inhaled her scent and her mine as she buried her tiny face into my neck.

"Why are you so angry? Didi do something wrong?" My wolf and i whimpered at thethought of her thinking my anger is her fault.

"No princess you did nothing wrong im just alittle stressed is all." I tried to pull her away but she whimpered and her legs and arms tightened their hold on me and i smiled.

"Come lay with me?" She asked as her eyes met mine, this gvave me a moment to look at her she was still wearimg the white button up shirt from earlier except now the top buttons were mire undoneleaving her breasts alittle mire exposed then i have ever seen them before my wolf purred in satisfaction.

"Of course princess" i said as i carried her bsck to her room and layed down her still on my chest her legs staddled on both sides of my torso and her face in my neck where her mark would eventually go. I rubbed her thigh with my right hand and her back with my left and before i dozed off to sleep i traced little circles on her neck where i would eventually mark her. I waited until her breaths slowed tellimg me she was asleep before i allowed myself to relax and fall asleep knowing she was safe in my arms.

**A/N yay they seem to be getting alittle closer.

Omg Jerome what did you think about that who do you think his leader is? What do they want with Alexis? Will Alexis and her wolf Snow train so they can fight with the pack?

Vote and cvomment amd tell me what you think 😄😄😘😘 love you all! 💙💜💓💝💖💕💞**

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