Chapter 1

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**pic above is Alexis**

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!" Went my alarm clock at 5am like it has for the past 5 and a half years since my mom passed away. I stretched and sat up wincing slightly at the pain in my side and all over my body from the black and blue bruises that cover my body. I reached over and shut the alarm off before getting fully out of bed and going into my bathroom and looking in the mirror. My face had a very visable hand print on my left cheek from  where my dad slapped me and over my right eye was a bruise where my face hit the wall. My long brown hair was messy and my normally bright blue eyes looked dull and lifeless against my pale and bruised skin. I got undressed and examined the rest of my body covered in bruises and a few cuts and scrapes. I sighed and went over to the shower and turned it on letting it warm up before getting in. My shower  lasted for about ten minutes before i heard him.

"ALEXIS! Get your ass down here and make me some damn breakfast before i beat the shit out if you again!" My father yelled slurring his words. I sighed not even 5:30 in the morning and hes drunk

"Coming dad!" I yelled back to him. I finished my shower quickled befire getting out brushing my long brown hair out that goes to about my waist, then i do my makeup with light eyeliner and mascara and a bit of cover up to conceal my bruise and black eye, i get dressed in a tank top and a long sweater over it and my black leggins and black leather boots  before going downstairs to see my father sitting at the kitchen table with a full beer bottle in his hand and a bunch of empty ones surrounding him.

"About damn time you stupid bitch!" He said getting into my face

"S-sorry i was getting dressed" i stutter quietly befire i feel a sharp pain on my right cheek and a loud slap rings through the house. I wince it wasent as hard as usual.

"Dont talk back to me just make me some fucking food and get your ass to school!" He says pushing me towards the stove. I dont say anything i just get out the eggs and bacon with a pan and start cooking. It takes about five minutes to make and then i bring it to him with a fresh beer. He dosent even say thanks he just starts shoveling it into his mouth then he opens his beer and takes a drink before turning to me. "Quit gawking at me and get your lazy ass to school you fucking retard!" He yells. I nod and walk towards the door grabbing my bag before walkimg out the door.


When i get to school i go to my locker and put my bag in it before grabbing my books and heading to my first class which is biology and i go to my seat and open my book. School is the only time i get to read. I sit there reading for about ten minutes before the class is full except for the seat by me. The teacher Mr. Gullen walks in.

"Good morning class." Mr. Gullen says, everyone responds with various 'good mornins' before he continues "before we get started i would like to introduce our new student Luke Stillworth" at that the door opens and my nose is filled with this wonderful scent of the woods and ....lavender? Lukes eyes find mine and he smiles at me it the most beautiful smile i think i have ever seen and something in me tells me i want to see that smile alot more "Alexis? Stand up please" i suddenly realize Mr. Gullen has been trying to talk to me so i stand up "Ah Luke you will sit there next to Alexis Summers" Mr. Gullen smiles and Luke walks over to me and i sit back in my seat with him sitting next to me.

"Hi im Luke" he says in a whisper and a smile on his face. Mm his voice is like smooth dark chocolate i just wanna drown myself in.... whoa thats weird. I laugh quietly to myself.

"I-im Alexis" i whisper back kinda shy and smile back. He nods and mutters nice to meet cha and then we turn back to the front of the room to listen to Mr. Gullens lecture.



It turns out Luke is in all four of my morning classes and he sits next to me in all of them except 4th hour english where he sits across the room. I found myself really dissapointed that i couldnt sit next to him but i forced mysefl to get over it and headed to lunch after the bell rang.

"Alexis! Wait!" I heard his dark chocolate voice and stopped in my tracks turning to face Luke and his beautiful smile. "Hey i was wonderinf if maybe i could sit by you at lunch?" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I felt myself shudder at his touch it sending tingles down my spine that i couldnt expalain so i didnt try.

"Oh um sure i dont mind i usually sit alone so it couldnt hurt to have alittle company" i say with a smile. Which caused his eyes to light up with extreame happiness that i didnt understand.

"Great" he said happily. And with that we began to walk to lunch talking about random things the current topic the movie "Finding Nemo" and how ridiculous Nemo's dad is with his over protectivness "- i mean there really is no reason why Marlin couldnt let Nemo swim to the drop-off he was ju-" he stopped talking and grabbed my arm pulling me to his chest causing me to wince in pain as he gripped my bruised and cut arm... i looked to see why he grabbed me and noticed i was about to run into Mrs. Kessel the librarian with a pile of books in her arms, i looked at Luke. "You okay?" He asked me sincere concern in his voice.

"Yea im ok just kinda hurt." I answer truthfully rubbing my arm where he grabbed as he let go. His eyes flashed something that seemed like extreme sadness at the thought that he hurt me trying to prtect me.

"I-im so sorry i didnt realize i grabbed you so hard" he said tripping over his words his voice shaking a bit. I felt a ping in my chest at the sincerity in his voice.

"No its okay it wasent your fault im okay see" i smile brightly as if trying to amplify that im ok and he didnt hurt me. He smiled which made me feel better and then we went to lunch.

We git our food and then went to a table with noone at it anf we sat down it was only us for awhile until five kids walked over they looked familiar and it took me a minute to recognize them as Cera, Daniel, Markus, Lillian, and Derek. Cera and Daniel were a couple and so were Markus and Lillian it was obvious to everyone by the way they were always together and touching in some way or another almost like they needed to know that the other was still there. Derek sat next to me and smiles.

"Hey pretty thing did Luke catch your attwntion already?" He asked placing a hand on my leg which caused Luke to make this weird noise that soumded like a growl that made Derek instantly take his hand off me and they looked at each other and seemed to have a silent conversation until Derek looked at me. "Sorry Alexis" he  said sinsere apology in his voice.

"Its uh its okay." I say with a smile trying to make him feel better. After that the rest of lunch  was kinda akward nobody said much and the couples just pretty much made out the whole damn time so not much there.


Nothing really happened the rest of the day i only had one class in the afternoon with Luke and that made me really sad i felt alone. And i didnt like it and i knew tonight was gonna be rough without him.... i just knew it.

The Broken Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें