Chapter 12 - Hit The Powder Room

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Matt sat at the Broken Shillelagh with Pierce, watching Pierce as he sipped his beer like a woman. Matt shook his head and looked around. The dingy bar was quite full, and it was lit with mostly candles, and very dim lights. It wasn't the place Matt would've preferred to drink at, but Pierce strangely seemed right at home.

"I'm surprised the Syndicate is still standing after all this shit we've thrown at them." Matt broke the silence.

"I don't see a reason to stop." Pierce shrugged.

"Not saying we should."

Pierce nodded his agreement and stood from the bar, grabbing a handful of darts. He moved to a good distance from the dart board and began throwing. He wasn't a good shot, but Matt didn't dare tempt him while he was holding sharp projectiles. 

"This doesn't seem like your kinda place, Pierce. You're usually at the most exclusive, expensive places you can get into. What's the deal?"

"What's to hate? The beer is cheap... And I'm the best looking motherfucker in here." Pierce shrugged at the Boss, smirking.

"Look, you may think it's time to kick back but I'm done toying with these bastards. I want Loren and I want him now. Where is he?" Matt demanded, becoming quickly impatient with Pierce's casual attitude considering they had lost one of their closest friends just days before.

"No idea..." Pierce replied as Matt shook his head in disgust. "But 10k says he's hiding out in that big ass skyscraper." 

"Nah... Loren's a tactician, he's not gonna hole up in a building that screams 'I'm a criminal mastermind'. I need something concrete." 

"Then hit up Powder." Pierce replied simply, putting the darts down to stand in front of Matt.

"I don't have time for a stripper." 

"No, Powder's a designer gun store downtown... I saw some of Loren's thugs talking to the owner. There's gotta be something there." Pierce insisted. 

Matt chewed his bottom lip, thinking it over for a moment, before sighing and stepping away from where he had been leaning on the bar. 

"Let's go shopping then." 

"That's what I thought you'd say." Pierce smirked as he followed the Boss out to the carpark.

The two got into Pierce's purple car - a posession that he had become quite fond of since stealing it on their first day in Steelport. Matt pulled out his phone and went through his contacts until he found Shaundi's name, and he hit "dial" as Pierce started the car and pulled into the street.

"You bringing the girl along on this one?" Pierce asked as Matt waited for an answer.

"Yeah, she's gonna want to know about this. And besides, if we went and did this without her, you know she'd be pissed off and probably rip our- oh, hey Shaundi..." Matt caught himself as Shaundi answered her phone, and Pierce just laughed.

"What's so funny?" Shaundi asked sternly through the phone.

"Nothing, nothing. Just Pierce being a dick again, nothing new." Matt's comment earned a punch in the arm from Pierce. 

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Pierce caught some of Loren's thugs doing some sort of business deal in a store downtown called Powder. We're gonna hit it up and see what information we can get on Loren's location." 

"Powder? What is that, some kind of drug store?" 

"No, Pierce tells me it's a designer gun store, and they're obviously supplying the Syndicate. If nothing else, we're going to cut them off from their weapon supply. So what do you say?" 

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