Chapter 11 - Takeover The City

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Matt held his breath as the Saint sitting beside him finished stitching up the gun wound on his arm. It was much more painful than getting it propery done at the hospital, but the Boss didn't want to go out and put his Saints in danger yet again while the Morningstar were still pissed about Matt and Pierce out doing business on the streets. 

He let out the breath, sighing heavily. The woman sitting beside him wiped the rest of the blood from his arm and he nodded his thanks to her.

"Can I get you anything, Boss?" 

"Yeah, the strongest drink we have around here." 

As the Saint ran off to fulfill he Boss' wishes, Pierce walked into the room, giving her a smirk as he gazed up and down her body, before walking to Matt, mouthing "she's fine" with a grin. Matt just sighed. 

"What do you want, Pierce?" 

"Well, if we're gonna get a cash flow going, we'll need a business to funnel us money." Pierce replied simply. 

"You wanna rob some store?" Matt thanked the woman that came back with his drink, and she left the two men together to have their conversation.

"That'll cause more trouble than it's worth. I'm saying we buy one from the Morningstar." Pierce proposed.

"Because they'll jump at the chance to sell to us..." Matt interjected sarcastically. 

"Nope," Pierce's usual grin returned to his face as he shook his head, "because we already have the deed."

"Come again?"

"We take the deed from that lockbox and purchase the store in our name instead." 

"Well, if they can't argue..." Matt stood up, shrugging. 

He grabbed his pistol from the table, tucking it into his belt, then grabbed his leather jacket to hide the weapon. Shrugging the jacket onto his shoulders, Matt looked to Pierce, who was tossing his keys into the air. He nodded, and they both walked to the elevator, for yet another misadventure in Steelport. But Matt knew it had to be done. He wasn't about to let the Syndicate get away with murdering his best friend. 


Pierce drove his new, pimped out car past many run-down looking buildings, overhead train lines and several important locations in the city. The most memorable one was the colossal sructure of the Steelport Arena, home to the famous wrestler Killbane. Matt hadn't heard the name before, but his name and face was plastered on every wall and entrance, so he assumed he had to be a big deal in Steelport. The outside of the Arena was lit up with green neon lights, that were just beginning to shine brightly as it began to get dark. 

Eventually, Pierce pulled up outside a Friendly Fire, and he looked to Matt, who was looking back with a questioning expression. Clearly the deed was for the Friendly Fire, but Matt still didn't understand how it was supposed to be as simple as Pierce proposed.

"So... Friendly Fire?" 

"Yep," Pierce replied casually, "best thing is, owning it gives us a discount."


Matt looked up at the building. He couldn't help but smile to himself, mentally comparing to the Friendly Fire stores in Stilwater. His home of Stilwater had the same stores, but here they seemed so much more subtle. Despite the outlet having a huge gun above the door, and the sign with bullet holes and ammunition on it, the stores in Stilwater were far more common, and appeared more as department stores, some even having multiple levels of open wares, including military grade weapons that in all reason should never have been available to the public. 

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