Ch. 8 - Happy birthday, John

Start from the beginning

Seulgi smirked, "Well 1937, here we come."

The Korean rebel exited the building and made her way around the front. The street looked much like it had, only the buildings looked less run down and there were a few more that she didn't remember being there. For another moment, she marveled at the old cars and started to walk.

As she made her way down the street, Seulgi just couldn't believe she was in 1937. She could see a few people on the street, all dressed in old clothing, old cars, but they were all new. Best part was that no one, seemed to give Seulgi a second look.

Seulgi's POV

I enjoyed walking through 1930's London and seeing how different it was. I had gone some 2-3 miles towards when I gradually began to sense that something was off. First of all it seemed later in the day than I thought I would arrive. The sun was just going down when I arrived and now it is getting dark. Not to mention it didn't feel like spring. I thought this coat would be too warm, but it's actually perfect for this weather.

I also noticed the streets only had a few people and cars on them, but at first I assumed everyone was at the parade. But looking at the few people that were on the street— a housewife, a worker, a man in a suit. They all seemed to be in a hurry and looked a bit nervous.

But I was enjoying myself too much and merely disregarded those odd things. That sense of something being wrong got a bit more intense, when I noticed some other things. On my walk, I saw not less than 6 buildings which recently had burnt down. A short while later I became aware of a low hum somewhere off in the distance. It was a strange sound. Pausing to look around I suddenly realized that most of the people on the street had vanished.

The hum itself seemed to stand the hairs on the back of my neck straight up. I suddenly got a very bad feeling, "No... No... Something's wrong."

Trying to figure out what to do, I became aware that the distant hum was now ever so slightly louder. Suddenly I spotted a trashcan and a newspaper sticking out of it.

Moving quickly to the trash can I grabbed the paper, which was half covered in some muck making it nearly impossible to read. It was the still visible date that grabbed my attention.

October 9th, 1940.

At that moment, did I not only realize I was in the wrong year, something else clicked in my mind. Ruined buildings and nervous looking people. Not to mention that I noticed that I couldn't see lights in any windows. They were all covered with thick curtains. There was the low hum and the year 1940...

Suddenly three word's from a long ago history class I paid scant attention to, emerged from my memory.


A bit more of that long ago lecture, surged through my mind. The London Blitz, that period in World War 2 when German bombers for months, pounded London and other British Cities repeatedly, in an attempt to break their morale.

It was that second, much to my horror; I realized what that low hum was and why it was getting ever so slightly louder. That rather disturbing sound was the engines of several hundred German bombers, headed in my direction.

The sudden wail of what I recognized as an air raid siren, confirmed my worst fears an instant later.

"FUCK!" I cursed loudly, "Zacharov, you fucking asshole, you dumped me into the path of a German air raid!"

I looked at the recall button on my watch, but decided instead to get back to the factory. As I hurried, I could hear what sounded like explosions in the distance.
I made it half way back when I suddenly saw many blocks up the street, a building get hit by a bomb and collapse into the street. It was then that I realized, that heading back to the factory, was putting me directly in the path of the German bombers above. That low hum wasn't a low hum anymore, it was now a very loud, angry droning sound and it kept getting louder.

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