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-circle lenses

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-circle lenses

i sluggishly entered my next class, all the students turning around as i do so.

"yes?" i say loudly causing all the curious heads to face forward again and away from my glaring eyes.

i sigh before taking my usual seat in the back near a window. i put my headphones on in attempt to eliminate the quiet gossips about me, which i don't even care for at this point.

i was used to it, and considering me and yoongi just broke up an hour ago, i knew it was gonna be a hot topic.


numerous taps on my shoulder is what it took to wake me up from my mid-class nap.

i looked up to see Mr. Kim glaring at me, the faces of amused students, and the person who woke me up-a boy dressed in overalls and circle glasses.

"did you enjoy your nap miss y/n?" said the tall man behind the desk, his ruler taping the surface.

i didn't respond and watched as he walked over to my desk before sliding a pink slip atop of it.

"detention @ 2:35"

just perfect, i sighed out while slamming myself against the desk softly.

to my right i see the guy with round glasses steal glances at my distraught state, before looking away right after i notice.

"thanks for waking me up incase it got worse" i wrote onto a piece of paper and threw it at him.

i watched as it landed perfectly in his lap. he gave me a questioning look then proceeded to open the crumpled sheet.

but before he could, Mr. Kim snatches the paper from his hands and chucks it into a blue bin.

"thats detention for you too jungkook, no note passing"

the boy just nodded with a quiet apology and i chuckled at his innocence.

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