Chapter 15 - Alphas and Betas

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It doesn't take long for me to realize that the unknown outweighs anything I'm certain of, and that's a big problem.

There are more questions than answers and, once again, that's a big freaking problem.

I don't know what the best thing to do is. I want to tell my family to pack their bags, but I know that won't work. They love me and they trust me and I know they would believe some crazy things just on my word alone because we're that close, but this isn't one of them.

If I say we need to run, no explanation, they'll think that the triplets or some other guys had hurt me. They'll try to investigate and press charges versus listening to my warning to run. Who knows what the wolves would do in that situation to shut them up.

And then, of course, if I actually tell them that there are werewolves, they'll think I'm joking or that I've lost my mind. My mother would either sit me down for a psych assessment, or, on the off chance that they actually believed me, there'd always be Aiden's warning to worry about.

Don't tell your family if you value their safety.

The truth is, I don't know whether or not we're in danger. Like Carson and Aiden so eloquently pointed out, if they wanted to hurt us they would've done so already.

What's the point of trying to solve a problem that may or may not exist in the first place? Protect my family from a danger that may or may not even be here, and in the process, create a new, real danger? I sigh.

But if there wasn't any danger, who or what was that wolf that attacked me?

Was it a rogue? An enemy from a different pack? Are there even other packs or rogues at all? And if it's neither of those options... could it have been a wolf from this pack?

My presence hasn't exactly been warmly received. What if someone's trying to kill me for it? Get rid of me as quickly as possible? Solve the issue of the unwanted...

And that's another thing. What am I to them? Am I the luna?

That would only be true if one of the brothers is the alpha. The way they walk around, you'd think they owned the place, but they could just be the kids of the real alpha. Or one of them could be the beta.

And if that's the case, which one? And what do they expect me to do as their mate or whatever I am to them?

I can't leave for fear of creating a problem. And I can't know that I should leave anyway without figuring out whether or not there's a problem to begin with.

I need more information. I need to know what's going on, especially with that wolf that tried to kill me. I need to know whether or not more like it will come after me and my family.

There's no way I could've defeated it myself.

If we were running from this town. If my family and I were alone, and that thing came after us, we'd be dead.

We can't leave, so I decide to go to the only place that has the answers I'm looking for. The wolves' den. School.

"When a guy really likes you," Michael keeps going.

Oh my god.

He crazily whips his car into the student parking lot, scanning for a space. "He'll want to meet your family. He'll do nice things for you. He won't make you feel pressured, like... I don't know." He spares me a glance. "Nearly knocking your father over and showing up in your backyard."

"For the last time, I told you it was just a project," I say.

"Right, right." He smiles. "A project. Like I didn't use that one before. Remind me again what class was it? Health?"

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