#7 Test Failure

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(Test #305's POV)

I sit in the hands of my new friend as he reaches for the door handle. He makes little clicking sounds every now and then, so I guess that's how he's seeing. The palms of his hands turn to a hard, blue scale where ever I touch his skin. I'm glad that I'm not burning him.

He carries me down the long hallway. The siren turned off a little while ago, but we can still hear people running around and shouting. "We need to hurry", I whisper to him. "I know, but all the noise is confusing me! Will you tell me where to go?", he asks. I nod and start giving my directions. "Five steps forward before the turn, then duck behind the potted plant a step to the right. He does as I say, leaving me to peek out around the plant. He's leaning against the wall for support. Two people are in this hallway. We'll need to run past them", a say. "I-I don't think I can run without tripping", he stutters. "Well, your gonna have to try, run when I say Go", I command.

I wait until both people are looking away, before yelling, "NOW! GO NOW!". My friend lunges forward, sprinting blindly. I can hear him making small clicking sounds, but it probably doesn't help with his panting. The two men shout as we zoom bye, but we manage to dodge them just in time. We make it down the hall, before we fail. My friend's leg buckles underneath him, and he skids into the wall. He immediately curls around me, hiding me from sight. I might not have a lot of experience with feet, but I don't think that he just tripped. Pain flashes across his face, and he wheezes with the short sprint.

The two people converge on us. A net is thrown on top of us. They must not know I'm here! Better stay hidden in case I can help us escape later. "Did you see the way its leg buckled?", one of the men asked. "Yeah, it's too bad. I thought we were really close with this one, but looks like something isn't right with its internal systems. Another failure", the other one grumbles. Wait, failure? The person who found me missing said I was a success, but is my new friend a failure? What's wrong with him? And most importantly, what's gonna happen now?

I stay quiet and hidden as we're both carried in the net. He falls asleep at some point, and I'm glad he doesn't look in any pain. Are captors eventually stop at a door made of obsidian, and type in a code to open it. We're thrown in, handled like a bag of garbage. The door is immediately slammed shut. I quickly burn through the net and wiggle out from under him to see my surroundings.

The entire room is encased in obsidian, not even a scratch in the surface. I only look up when I hear something scrape against the wall. I screech as a white and blue blur crashes to the ground near me. I jump back so I don't burn anything. "Ow.... that really hurt. You'er way too heavy, Vikk", a boy with white and gold dragon wings mumbles. "I'm not even that heavy! You just got off balance when your wing hit the wall", a boy wearing a blue and red shirt argues.

They go back and forth like that until I clear my throat. Their heads both snap in my direction. "Um, Hi?", I say to them. "Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Lachlan!", the dragon boy answers. His bubbly personality already has me liking him. "I'm Vikk, glad to see that we aren't the only ones here", the other boy says. "My name is..... Preston maybe?", I say. "Does the other person have a name? Because the author is getting sick of writting 'my friend' over and over again", Vikk says while staring over at the forth wall.

(Author is having mental rage attack and breaking things, please stand by)

"I think his name is Rob", Lachlan shrugs, "But why is he sleeping in the first place? Shouldn't we wake him up?". "I don't think he's doing very good. The lab coat people said he was a 'failure'. He passed out from running a little ways when his leg buckled", I worriedly explain, "I'm scared that he's hurt". "Ohh.... poor Rob. I hope he gets better soon", Vikk whines. I hum in agreement and walk back over to Rob's side.

I'm still a little surprised by how small I am compared to the three other boys. I hope I can get to a lava source soon and grow bigger. When I get close enough to Rob's hand, bluish scales show up oh his skin and protect it from my heat. I lean my back against the scales and continue to chat with Lachlan and Vikk. Touching Rob erasures me that he's still there, and alive. I don't want anyone to die. I could of killed multiple people during my escape, but I didn't. I don't want to hurt anybody.

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