chapter 2 the water fall

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When it was night Cynder cuddled with Spyro and gave Ember a death look as a warning to stay away from them, they cuddled and fell asleep Ember went to sleep a foot from Spyro so she wouldn't get attacked. That morning when Cynder woke up Spyro was gone but there was a piece of bark where he was sleeping and it had a letter carved in it, the letter said that I'm going to go and find a water fall or something to get cleaned in and not to worry about Ember taking me, Cynder then looked at Ember and noticed that she was still asleep Cynder  got up and started to look for Spyro hoping he was ok. Meanwhile Spyro was still looking but was about to collapse then he saw a water wall with a pound that hasn't been touched before he slowly got in and as soon as he was completely in he just started to float around he was at peace he would've enjoyed it more if Cynder was here. Cynder flew over the forest and saw 3 pounds the first 2 she went to Spyro wasn't there soon as she found Spyro floating she got scared so she called his name his eyes opened and he said jump in its really relaxing, she got in and looked at Spyro then he floated behind the water fall Cynder swam after him and as soon as she got behind the water fall it was a hidden cave with flowers around the place Spyro tried to get up on the rocky floor but couldn't so Cynder came from behind him and pushed him up. When Cynder got up she noticed that the vines were gone she asked if he was feeling any better Spyro said not really I'm still in tons of pain, Cynder said then why did you go and look for a waterfall if you weren't felling good, he said so I could find a nice place for you and me  instead of staying by the edge with Ember and no privacy. All of a sodden Ember found them and attacked Cynder for hidding Spyro from her, Spyro tryed to get up but Ember nocked him back down and jumped on top of Cynder, Cynder then jabbed Ember's underbelly and got back up same for Spyro then Ember pushed him harder saying stay out of this, but soon as Spyro was pushed a gem stabbed him in his leg it went deep into his leg that he couldn't get up. Cynder noticed right away and she threw Ember into the water and went to help Spyro he was in so much pain that he didn't let Cynder get close to his leg, soon Ember came back up and saw that Spyro was injured and saw that Cynder was trying to fix it but she thought she was trying to hurt him more so she ripped Cynder off of Spyro and told her to stay away from him Cynder got up and pushed her back into the water except this time when she got back up she shot Ember with a fire ball so big it flew her across the lake and almost out of the forest. She pulled the crystal from his leg fast so it wouldn't heart as much but yet he still screamed out very loud of pain. Then she moved Spyro to a different location so Ember wouldn't find them right away but there was a path of blood not like a stream of blood it was a small drops of blood sometimes they were bigger.

Spyro and Cynder love story part 2Where stories live. Discover now