Eren walked out of the locker room stiffly, the legskin was extremely tight on him. It would take a little while to get used to, but he figured he could make do with what Levi had given him.
"Looks alright. A little small but you'll be fine." Levi commented as he grabbed his goggles out of his bag. He wore a swim cap for normal practice, but evidently this wouldn't be a normal practice so he just let his undercut go natural in the water. Eren decided he would do the same.
"No cap?" Eren asked Levi. Levi just stared at him.
"Do you think I'm a freaking retard Jaeger? Do you think I'd wear a swim cap when I don't have to?"
"Jeez... I just asked. Don't be so foul mouthed all the time." Eren said, acting pissed. He actually thought it was kinda adorable the way Levi tried to act tougher. Levi's left eye twitched.
"Get in the water Jaeger. Tell me how it feels with the legskin."
Eren hopped in the water, sinking all the way down to the bottom of the 12 foot pool before coming back up. He looked Levi dead in the eyes and proclaimed,
"I feel naked."
"That's how it's supposed to feel."
"Yeah I remember the feeling."
"You can keep that suit you know." Levi said to Eren.
"You don't use it anymore?"
"It's too small."
"How is it too small for you if it's too small for me too?"
Levi smirked and made no further comment. Eren's eyes suddenly got wide and he gave Levi a surprised face. Levi showed no emotion as usual and just nodded.
"Let's get to work!"

So for two hours the boys worked on breaststroke and butterfly technique together. As hard as it was for Levi to admit, he had fun. As they were riding back home in his car, Levi popped a question.
"What do you think of coming back to my place?"
Eren looked at him in surprise.
"S-sure. That's fine I guess, my dad just said I had to be home by 11 tonight."
"Hmm." Levi replied as he turned the opposite way from Eren's house.
Eren's heart was racing a million miles an hour. [Oh crap.. What is he thinking? What are we going to do?]
For another 15 minutes the two sat in perfect silence. Soon, they turned into a neighborhood with enormous houses. Eren gazed out the window at the beautiful houses, as Levi expertly navigated through the confusing streets. They finally came upon a huge house settled in the corner.
"This is my house Jaeger. Don't screw it up."
"Do you live alone?"
Levi paused.
"Sometimes. My parents don't really do much with me, they're both international lawyers."
Eren nodded in understanding. Levi had already started towards the front door with his keys in hand. He unlocked the lock and yelled that he was home. No response.
"Mm, they're out I guess." Was his reply to the situation. Eren's heartbeat sped up even faster. Levi started up the stairs as Eren gazed upon all the expensive furnishings in Levi's house.
"Are you coming?"
"Oh yeah, definitely."
Levi led Eren up two flights of stairs, and then into a closet that had a third set of stairs. Levi lived on the third floor of this enormous house, which included a TV area, bedroom area, a kitchen, and a bathroom.
"This is way cool." Eren said as he glanced around the room. Levi took a seat on the couch and stared at Eren. Eren nodded and sat down on the other end. Levi's jaw tightened when he saw Eren that far away.
"You know you're crap at taking hints."
"Oh uh, sorry." Eren said as he moved closer to Levi. However, Levi abruptly got up and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. Eren fully expected him to come back with some sort of vodka, but instead he came back with a can of Fanta grape.
"Oh sorry, did you want one?" Levi asked while tapping the can on the top 14 times. He then opened it slowly, with his long slender fingers. Eren was too busy watching Levi's fingers to answer the question.
"Hey. Do you want one, yes or no?" Levi asked again, glaring at Eren.
"Oh uh, do you have dr.."
"No." Levi cut him off.
"I don't drink that stuff."
"It's just soda..." Eren said. Then he caught a glimpse of the rubber band around Levi's right wrist. [I forgot about that.]
"It's not just soda. It's a bad habit. And bad habits can turn into worse things."
"Do you have any personal experience with this?"
"Well wouldn't you like to know." Levi scoffed. He made no further comment on the matter, and Eren didn't pry either.
Levi turned to study Eren.
"I thought you'd be a lot more interesting since we're alone, but I guess not." Eren frowned.
"What did you want? Me to straddle you on the bed?" Eren retorted.
"Well that would have been a whole lot more interesting than sitting here arguing about soda."
The boys blushed and both went silent. It was as if they both knew, but they didn't want to admit it.
"What's your relationship status with that blonde kid?" Levi asked, sipping his soda casually. His right arm was draped across the back of the couch and his legs were crossed neatly.
"Me and Armin are best friends, we've been best friends since-"
"Stop there. I don't give a crap. I just wanted to see if you were going out with him." [Oh.] Eren thought.
"No, we aren't. Armin isn't gay." Levi shot Eren a glance.
"And you are...?"
"Not sure yet." Eren said, looking down and blushing. He heard Levi scoot closer to him on the couch. Levi took Eren's chin in his hand and tipped it upwards to look at him, as Levi was in a position of dominance here.
"Do you want to find out for sure?" He asked, whispering in Eren's ear. Eren gulped.
"Y-yeah." Was his response. And before he could protest further, the black haired boy's perfectly soft lips were covering his. Eren didn't know what he should do, so he let his natural instinct take over and he weaved his arms around Levi's neck, hugging him while closing his eyes. Levi got the idea that Eren wasn't going to protest, so he put his arms around Eren's waist and straddled his lap. Eren's whole body felt hot as Levi started to lick on his bottom lip. Eren had never been kissed before, and to have his first kiss be a full out make out session was going to be an interesting story to tell.
Levi wanted inside Eren's mouth, but Eren was in too much pleasure as it was for Levi to push further, instead he held Eren even tighter by the waist. In turn, Eren's hands moved from hugging Levi to intertwining into his beautiful, black hair. Eren pulled Levi's face closer to his as he broke away to breathe. His face felt warm over, but Levi showed no physical signs of embarrassment or pleasure other than breathing heavily and clinging to Eren.
"What do you think now?"
"I think.." Eren started as Levi pulled him in to kiss him once again, this time biting Eren's bottom lip, gaining entrance to his mouth. It was warm and slippery, as Levi's tongue found Eren's. Eren let out a shocked gasp at the new development. Levi pulled away, but Eren knew they both wanted to keep going.
"Is that okay?" Levi asked Eren. The boy with the messed up brown hair nodded, and breathed heavily again. Levi softly pushed him over on the couch, and placed hands on either side of his head. Eren looked a bit nervous. Levi smirked and kissed Eren on the lips once more, before he moved to his neck. He moved Eren's shirt collar out of the way so he could get to his collarbone, and he started sucking on the sensitive skin.
"Oh... My... Holy... Damnit Levi... What are you doing?" Eren asked through panted breaths.
"Just tell me and I'll stop." Levi said, hissing as Eren traced Levi's chest through his white shirt.
"It's fine but we can't go too far. We have practice tomorrow morning, our summer swim schedule starts. Also, I've barely even kissed anyone."
Levi stared at Eren.
"Do I look like I care?" He said as he leaned down and sucked on Eren's neck. Eren just closed his eyes as he let Levi do his work. Eren moaned a little bit and Levi immediately looked up.
"Gonna moan for me now? You're such a needy brat." Levi said as he put his hands underneath Eren's shirt and traced his abs. Eren couldn't deny it now, he was too far gone to complain to Levi about what he was doing.
"Wait, Eren how old are you?"
"15, why?" Levi looked satisfied.
"Then it's not statutory rape."
"Levi no, not now! We have practice tomorrow and... I don't think I'd be good at that kinda thing." Eren said as he blushed.
"Fine." Eren nodded at Levi's statement and brought Levi's face closer to his.
"Nobody can know about this, okay?" Eren seriously told Levi. Levi smirked.
"Look who wants the control now."
"No Levi, I'm serious. I'm not doing that stuff today, and also, we can't tell anyone about this."
"Those hickeys on your neck beg to differ." Eren grimaced.
"I'm sure you can just say you and your girlfriend had a heated date last night or something, nobody will suspect you were here." Levi stated. Eren sighed and laid back down on the couch, closing his eyes.
"How do I explain this to Armin?"
"I don't care. Don't tell him though."
"I told him I liked boys yesterday. He's going to suspect that I was with a boy, and you're the only other boy I really know." Levi smacked Eren on the top of the head.
"You're such an idiot." Levi said. He got up from straddling Eren and stood up and stretched. Eren followed suit.
"Say Eren... You don't own any concealer do you?"
"How bad is it?" Levi led the boy into his bathroom. 3, really large, really noticeable hickeys were left in three completely different places. Nobody would believe he got into a fight, no they would know that Eren Jaeger was owned by someone. Hopefully they wouldn't know that that person was Levi Rivaille. He swallowed nervously.
"What is dad gonna say? He's going to be pretty disappointed when he learns his son is gay." Levi showed no speck of emotion as usual.
"Don't tell him." Eren made a face at Levi.
"Yeah and just tell him I met a girl and we made out? Great cover story."
Levi snickered as he looked at what he had done to Eren.
"Seriously, this doesn't get around to ANYONE. You understand me? Or else this whole thing will have to be cut off for good. It's a swim team rule that we aren't allowed to date teammates." Eren nodded in agreement. He had known that.
"Wait... Are we.. A thing?" Eren asked naively.
"Not yet. I'm not sure if this was just a way to get my teenage hormones out or not. Anyway, it was enjoyable nonetheless. Don't try to talk to me any more or less than you do normally though. It'll look weird. Also, after tonight, we should really just forget this happened." Levi stated again. Eren suspected Levi was having second guesses about this whole thing.
Eren didn't know how to feel about it himself, he barely knew anything about Levi, and here they were, almost banging on his couch. Not exactly a good start to a very long swim year.
Levi seemed unphased.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this again, and instead get to know each other a little." Eren suggested. Levi nodded.
"Was it too much for you?"
"Not really, I enjoyed it a lot. It felt really good, but I'm just afraid of the consequences."
Levi nodded.
"I promise I won't go any further than making out with you then, until you're comfortable for more. It seemed to freak you out, so you have my word. And when you have my word, I will always stay true to it." Levi told Eren, looking at him. His expression didn't change, but his eyes said something completely different than what they had said when they were gazing over Eren. Eren smiled and nodded.
"And what else won't we do?" Levi asked.
"We won't tell anyone!" Eren said. Levi nodded and grabbed another grape soda. Eren looked at it longingly, and Levi tossed him a can. He didn't bother to tap on the can though, and he just opened it and downed it. Levi went and sat down on the couch, tapped the can 14 times, then slowly opened it to release the carbonation.
[Isn't that a little OCD? Now that I think about it, isn't this room also a little too clean for comfort?]
Eren decided it would be kinda fun to play a game with the boy, by drinking as much soda as possible, and then loudly swallowing. He saw Levi tense up.
"Don't tease me you horny little frick."
"I am not!" Eren defended himself. Levi re-composed himself and sat.
"Maybe we shouldn't mention this at all anymore. I really think it's a better idea to get to know each other more." Eren finally said. Levi looked over his soda can at the boy.
"Fine. But if we start over, don't expect any kind of special treatment from me then."

"Where the heck is Eren? He's been gone all day. I really wanted to go ride roller coasters with him today too." Armin said as he sat dejected in his room, staring at his phone.
"I hope he hasn't gotten himself into trouble."
Me: *Still in rumble fight with Levi*
Levi: *In rumble fight*
Eren: Well, I hope you liked it. I managed to get out of the fight with a black eye. Goodnight and sweet- *gets dragged into rumble fight again*

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