As much as she tried to stop herself her thoughts kept wandering back to Edward. Giving up becoming a Guardian wasn't the only consequence of being with the vampire, there was also the fact that he was a vampire that - one - thirsted for her blood and - two - was immortal. The second that she'd give up her powers she wouldn't be able to manipulate her ageing and become a vampire was another no no for her especially because her father and brother were werewolves. As well as the fact that no guardian in the history of time had ever been changed into a Cold One vampire, there was no recorded information of what would happen if their venom interacted with their blood.

'Uhhhh' Iris mentally screamed. There was so much to think about if she wanted to continue a relationship with Edward. The universe had picked the two worst people to become mates, it shouldn't be so hard.

"Are you lost." Someone asked and in a second Iris had the person pinned chest first against the lockers with their arm twisted around their back. The cold radiating off the arm that she had secured in a lock gave the person away and she sighed releasing Edward from her grip.

He stared at her with astonishment rubbing the wrist that had been twisted.

"Sorry, you startled me." Iris said stepping back to give Edward space. His astonished stare was still on her.

"How did you-." Edward started.

"Oh God, did I hurt you." Iris asked stepping into Edwards space once more and inspecting his wrist before she remembered that he was vampire and she hadn't put a large amount of pressure on him.

"No I'm fine but how did you do that." Edward continued.

"My father was in the military for a while, he taught me a couple moves when he got back." Iris replied, atleast she didn't have to lie this time. Her father had been in the military a couple years back before Iris was born and he had taught her fighting skills but she just didn't mention the fact that she since she was eight she had been going to a school that taught her how to fight monsters.

"Your...strong." Edward muttered a small calculating smile slipping onto his face.

"I know. But thanks." Iris said. "Maybe one day I'll teach you how to do that."

"Maybe." Edward laughed. "You didn't answer my question. Are you lost."

Iris glanced down at the hand that had her class number written on it and shook her head. "No, I think I can find my way."

"I just assumed because the bell rang a couple minutes ago." Edward explained and Iris huffed.

"I guess I didn't notice."

"Are you alright." Edward asked. "What did the hospital say about your injuries."

"What injuries." Iris said. Edward eyebrows scrunched up as his eyes searched Iris.

"From your accident. Are you sure you're alright."

"Oh...the accident right. They said that I was lucky, I managed to make it out without a scratch but that's because of you, if you weren't there I don't know what could've happened." Iris answered.

"You don't have to thank me for that." Edward muttered.

"No. Yes I do, Edward you saved my life. Thank you." Iris said. Edward nodded although he held a sceptical look. He knew Iris wasn't oblivious he had seen her send him a look before the van came skidding towards her. He knew she knew something but instead of worrying he thanked his loses for her not asking him questions.

"You're welcome."

The two had been walking through the halls while they talked and when they made it to the dead end of the hallway Iris stopped and checked her watch. She was already ten minutes late and she didn't want to walk in and have the whole class staring at her.

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