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They brought everyone to the hospital about ten minutes after I passed out. Three kids died that night. Eddy Valentino, the douche that poured his milk on my head Roger Smith and Sean's date Ashley Hagman. They found Connie alive in the crushed car at the bottom of the cliff with the car almost in the water, she spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair and in a mental institution.

Me, Ranji, Sean and Shawn, Tracey and Jerry were never the same after that night. We were closer and are still friends to this day twenty years later. All moved on with our lives and with a wife and kids and this imperishable friendship that would last until we die.

It turns out the night Rebecca and I had sex I got her pregnant. I bring it up because every year I get a post card from her, first showing her belly and now a picture of my 19 year old son. When ever my wife sees the card I tell her its an old friend and each card brings me closer to her. They both understood that I couldn't be with them, but that didn't stop me from telling my wife.

"Those of us who knew her best talk about her often. I swear the stuff she pulled...sometimes it makes me sad, though, Rebecca being gone. I just have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just to bright and when they do fly away, that part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice, but still, that place you live in is that much more drab and empty now that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend." (Taken from Frank Darabont's Shawshank Redemption, I do not own this quote)

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