Chapter One

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It started off as a normal morning in the town of Riverland Ohio. Dad waking me up at 6:30 but me not getting up until 6:45-6:50. Then I brush my teeth, put on my shorts, shirt and sweatshirt. Then me trying to find my shoes while my sister and mom wait in the car...we're out the door by 7:12. My mom drops me off at Riverland high, then my sister at the middle school.

When dropped off, I get my daily pack of mentos at the school "cafe" which was just a table filled with various snacks and candy and coffee. I then walk to my first period class which was math, thinking I was going to be the first one as usual when I saw someone i did not know sitting in my seat. I knew everyone in my grade but not her, she had to be new and the most beautiful girl I ever saw. She had the face of a goddess, hair as gold as the sun. I said good morning and she smiled and did the same.

I didn't tell her she was in my seat and just sat behind her. She smelled of roses and strawberries. Weird combination if you ask me but I didn't care. The bell rang and me and the mysterious girl were still the only people in the class. Miss Jennings walks in couple seconds after the bell rings and the kids soon after. The popular girl Jennifer, the not so popular girl Colleen, the four pot heads Roger, Adam, Sally, and Ashley, the girl who i fought a couple years back Aria and my friend who sits next to me Ernie.

Ernie gave me a look and I shrugged. He then texted me "I dare you to ask her who she is."

And me, a daredevil when it came to that kind of shit which involved embarrassing myself...did it. I poked her on the back about five times when Colleen yelled while laughing. "Jesus Christ John can't you leave the poor girl alone."

"I just want to ask her who she is and why the hell she's sitting in my seat." I laugh back.

She turns around un-annoyed to my surprise and smiles. "My name is Rebecca."

Miss Jennings introduced her to the class and to them she was just another new girl but to me it was like sitting behind an angel. I know what your thinking, sappy but if you went to my school you didn't get these kind of girls very often. I mean the hottest girl in Riverland high was quite...disgusting. And it didn't matter anyway Jennifer and Rebecca were talking up a storm and I knew she would be consumed sooner or later.

The bell rang about a half hour later. And to my luck the only available seat in my second period English class was behind me. Mr. Menzina introduced her to the class and it wasn't like Jenning's class because all the popular bitches and douchebags were all over her like a group of lioness' fighting over a dead zebra. But I saw she was annoyed by the way she was talking but no one else seemed to notice, but I did because every now and then she would always look up at me and catch me staring at her. That's the worst, when you are staring at the girl you like and she looks up and sees you. My friends Brian and Bill come over and start making fun of me as usual and I make fun of them as well and the period ends.

When I go in my third period class I see Rebecca sitting in my seat...again. "You have a knack for sitting in my seat." I said with a smile sitting in the seat next to her.

"And you have a knack for being polite and not asking me to move." she smiled back.

We begin to talk when my friends Bill and Brandon walk in. Mr. Lannister comes in as the bell rings and the same routine, Mr. Lannister introduces Rebecca to the class and all the popular people swarm over her.

Lunch came around and as I enter the cafeteria with my friend Ranji I see, which I hoped and kind of expected, Rebecca sitting in my seat.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." She said while laughing.

"Nope." I laugh back while sitting next to her.

Rebecca gets up to get lunch and Ranji asks, "So what's up with you and the new girl?"

"Nothing." I reply, "it's just every class I have with her, and that's every class besides McCaines class last period she sat in my seat."

"It's like it's meant to be." Ranji laughed and took a bite out of his sandwich and I laughed and took a bite out of mine.

As she was walking back all the popular kids were asking her to sit by them but she told them no to sit at my table. Not soon after my other friends Shawn, Sean, Jerry and Tracey come in and sit down.

"Guys this is Reebecca and Rebecca this is Ranji, Shawn, Sean, Jerry and Tracey." I said pointing to them.

"Thank god I won't be the only girl at the table anynore." Tracey said.

"I'm glad I can take that burden off of your shoulder." Rebecca replied while taking off her sweatshirt revealing a pink tank top

All of our jaws dropped "Jesus your boobs are huge!" Tracey yells.

Rebecca blushes. "Your not too bad yourself." she replies.

"So where did you come from?" I ask.

"Rockaway NJ."

"What made you come all the way out here?" Sean asked.

"My family had some...problems we had to run away from." she replied.

The bell rings when Rebecca asks me.

"Hey John, can you show me the way to Mr. Smith's class?"

"Yes I can and you won't be taking my seat." I said holding out my arm as a joke. And she kept on surprising me because she took my arm and off we went. Man I can't explain in words how good it felt to have her arm in mine as we walked through the halls. Everybody giving me dirty looks because me...John of the kids that everyone thinks is an idiotic pot head, which I wasn't...well I wasn't a pot head anyway walking through the halls arm in arm with the hottest girl in Riverland high. The rest of the day went by excruciatingly slow because after Smith's class me and Rebecca didn't have any more classes together. Me and my friends James and Jorah were walking to my mom's car when I hear a familiar voice call my name from behind.

"Hey John can you give me a ride home?"

"Sure, where do you live?"

"56 Willow Drive."

"That's the house behind mine!" I yell like a little girl. "I mean, I didn't see any moving trucks."

"Me and my family don't have much. Kind of left in a hurry." she replied.

We walked to my mom's car that was parked in front of parking lot across the street. We all climb in the car when she realizes the girl in the way back seat in her van.

"And who are you?" my mom asked politely.


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