My Wonderful Life

34 6 8

***6 Years Old***

"Mommy, can we get some ice cream?!", I said as I saw the ice cream truck. I was so happy since it was really hot today! I was with my two cousins, Misty and Steven, Auntie Jenn, Uncle Hue, and my sweet little brother Nick. My mom, Malinda Wilde, was taking me out for a treat since I got the author's award at my school for being the best at ELA! I was so happy! I got an award in Science, Math, and Art! My mom and dad were so proud of me. But my dad, John Wilde, couldn't see me get the award since he had to work today. I'm not mad at him though. He's gonna get me and Nick new plushies later on! Nick was also a great student and got rewards in Science and Math. I'm so proud of him! His dream is to, later on, be accepted in the Junior Ranger Scouts so he can be closer to becoming a cop! I really hope he can become one! My dream is to be a Spy for Zootopia. I love spies! And my mom thinks I'd be great at being one. I always scare her by sneaking up on her and it ALWAYS works! For some reason, I'm really good at that. Other mammals always get tired when they're on all fours and think it's really hard for me to walk like that. But, it's not! I actually find it pretty easy! Sometimes I just do it naturally without even realizing that I'm doing it. Weird, but I guess I'm just like that. I like it, though. Like my mom says, it makes me unique. And that spy talent the best part of me. Casey Wilde.

Or so it was...

Author: Hey peeps! :D An actual chapter XDD Did ya notice da foreshadowing??? Of course u did iz obvious XDDD Anyway, Author Out! *dabs* (I swear no normal human being is up this late!) 

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