one; the morning after

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[ iMessage at 11:30 am]

[ +1(514)872-0312 ]

Hey, what's up?

Uh, nothing...
what about you?

Ha, same.
read at 11:44 am

Are you doing anything today?


Like what?

look bud, I don't know
who you are and youre
coming off as a bit of a creep

Sorry. I was just
trying to figure
out who you were
because you're
number is in my
contacts under
"cute girl from bar"

Sorry for being
an asshole but
I think you have
the wrong number

Thanks, sorry
to creep you out
read at 12:17 pm

My name is Brendan
by the way and i'm
not a professional stalker

Okay now I see how
I came off as a creep,
I'll leave you alone.

Wait, Brendan?
Oh my god
i remember you

Sort of

Not really

i know your name
but can't remember
anything else from
that night tbh

I don't remember
how I even got
back to my hotel

i don't remember what
i was drinking but
i feel like crap today

I'm sure you don't
look like crap tho

smooth moves
there Brendan

I try.

what's you're name
again so I can make a
proper contact for you?

oops, gotta dash

Mystery girl?
read at 12:37 pm


Did your hangover
kill you?
read at 12:57 pm

I know you see
these. Just tell me
your name, please?

you should have
remembered it Brendan,
then you would have
to ask me for it.

give me a hint?


why are you like this?

i like to play
hard to get

i have class soon
gotta split

did you really just
say "split" in 2017?

also where do you
go to school?

Tim Hortons has an
extra long line today
so you're gonna be
my entertainment.

and i did just use
"split"in reference
to my previous exit

and UofT

so you live in Toronto?

yeah? that should have
been more obvious then
my name?? we met in
a bar downtown bud

we were drunk but not
enough to forget
what city we were in
read at 1:24 pm

hey youre not allowed to
ignore me. i'm the one
playing hard to get.


well guess i won't have
lecture entertainment
from you
read at 1:56 pm

No. Eleven; brendan gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now