My Innocent Broken Heart

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The first time someone told me that they liked me was when I was 12 years old. It was very exciting because I thought, "Finally someone noticed me".

I was not the kind of girl where boys would line up for. I was the kind of girl where boys were slightly afraid to cross because of my bossiness and my ability to control them. To be honest, I was not even the prettiest in my class nor was I voted "most likely to become a model".

There were times where I was a bit jealous of my best friend because there was a time where 3 to 4 boys were crushing on her at the same time. Mind you, she did not ask for it. I was always wondering what was wrong with me. On the inside, I was insecure of myself. I believed that I would grow old knowing no one would like me.

But when I heard that a LIVE, HUMAN boy was crushing on me made me happy. He was 2 years older.. He had that bad boy vibe which let's be honest here girls... We all want a bad boy. Plus, I grew up in a Christian private school so it was really exciting.

For me, everything seems to be going great. But my naivety caused me not to foresee the repercussions of my decision. Along the way, I learned that not all first love end in happy ever after. I learned that you cannot always have what you ask for. And I learned that everything is not what it seems.


A/N: Hello there! This is very new for me because I'll be telling a story based on my experience. The names of the people are different but the scenarios will somewhat stay the same.

This is a bit emotional for me because I never thought that I will have the courage to share my story on love. I will still continue writing Out For Blood but I want to finish this as fast as I can for memoir month.


Schuyler Gabrielle


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