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Wow okay so.

This story was inspired by the amazingly talented CSW1995

She has blessed up with multiple stories in which I have based my novel off. There a many similarities to  hers as I've read her first two many times each, however she was kind enough to let me use some of her ideas.

Please please please go check out her work, she's so talented!!

AND! One more thing.

This will be a bit out there and most likely for mature audience. This book will contain a MMF relationship, mature scenes and swearing. If this will offend you, please do not waste your time or mine with negative comments. In saying that, sit back, get a milo milk (70:30 milo to milk ratio obvs) and a packet of shapes and we'll see if I can entertain you for a bit xx


The distance the dragon covered when it flew was huge in such a small time, the tail wrapped around the girl's body acting as a wind block. Trees zipped by underneath them in a blur, the air much colder than ground level. The girl shivered, holding onto herself but also clutching onto the tail in case the dragon decided to drop her from this height. The infamous Aland Mountain approached quickly and it wasn't long before a large ledge appeared hidden among a canopy of trees. The dragon landed, almost a little off balanced from having not flown in a very long time.

If she wasn't so terrified, the girl would feel awkward. They had landed with a thump, her body gently being lowered to the ground with a small thud. Her legs felt like jelly. Nerves mixed with fear, mixed with shock, she wasn't sure what to think or how to act. So she settled for stumbling backwards, nervously looking up at the large dragon staring down at her, curiosity etched onto its face.

The dragon huffed, a small amount of smoke coming from its nostrils. The dragon took a small step towards her, its head lowered trying to appear less intimidating. She stayed still watching its every move. Suddenly, loud thumping filled the large tunnel behind them.

Loud thumps echoed around the passage way, hurting the girl's ears and scaring her even more. She could only assume it was another dragon, and this one may or may not be as merciful. The one in front of her instantly tensed, turning around and swiftly curling its tail around her body again. She was pulled up near his front leg, ducking even further away from what would soon appear. Her heart raced, fear coursing through her.

From a small gap created where the tail wrapped around her, the girl looked out and saw a large green dragon appear from around the corner. It was similar size to the silvery blue dragon, but the hostile stance from the both scared her.

A low growling filled the air from both creatures, the sound intensified by the echoing of the walls. The girl peered up between the dragons, watching as they stared intensely at each other. She was wondering if somehow the creatures were communicating with one another. Her thoughts cut short as the red eyes of the green dragon flashed to her, they locked eyes and the green one flashed his sharp teeth, shutting its mouth quickly as a growl erupted from the blue one.

Then, both dragons lunged at each other. The girl couldn't help the scream from leaving her lips. Still enclosed in the tail, she was moved away from the impact. She cradled herself, peeking her eyes open to see a hint of a smile on both of the dragons. Their bodies clashed together, falling to the ground shaking the tunnel as they rubbed their cheeks together, almost in a greeting.

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