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She's rather small, don't you think? That voice entered her mind again as they stepped into another cavity in the tunnel. This one was tall, a large pit down the end and small fires burning everywhere to take the chill out of the air. The roof extended hundreds of meters high, ledges and smaller caves where any amount of dragons could be hiding. Now, Millie trusted blindly. She sunk her body in even closer to Kyaneous' as she peered around, trying to find the source of the patronising voice.

Milee couldn't disagree with that statement though. She knew she was small, and being next to Kyaneous did not make her look any bigger. In fact she looked dwarfed.

Don't shy away Milee. This just means we have to fiercely protect you from everything.

Now she was just confused. This voice was swinging from insults and intentionally scaring her to protective and she couldn't keep up. As she hid under the protective arm of Kyaneous, she felt it moving up and down in silent laughter.

"Come out Domitius. Fiercely protecting her does not require playing mind games." Kyaneous spoke, his voice humorous but also a slight warning. Then, from a small cave right up above them, the emerald green dragon dove off the ledge. It sored down wards, zig zagging to navigate his landing in the large space. With a thud, the dragon landed, a small gust of air flying over and blowing a loose blonde strand behind her shoulder.

Milee's grip tightened even more around Kyaneous' arm as the large dragon stalked slowly towards them.

"Always the dramatic one," Kyaneous huffed. He rolled his eyes as the dramatics continued, the large dragon disappearing into a green smoke before clearing and leaving another man. All though his features he looked nothing like Kyaneous, he was equally as intimidating.

His emerald green eyes scanned the girl, noting she had more of an appeal for Kyaneous rather than himself. But he knew he would change that.

"A human," he spoke as he extended an arm for her. Milee didn't trust him and she stayed put. At the moment, her trust was with Kyaneous. The man raised an eyebrow at her, giving her a second chance to come to him.

"I am Domitius." He spoke. He watched her nod her head, but her grip did not loosen on his hatcher. "Why won't you come to me?" He questioned her, amused.

"You," Milee started to speak but didn't know what to say. You're mean to me, you scare me and I don't trust you? No, that surely will land her in trouble. Both dragons could sense what she wanted to say, but they both knew without any prompting she would not say it.

"Yes?" Kyaneous encouraged her onwards.

"You're just intimidating." She whispered, looking down. Both dragons settled for her answer. Kyaneous stroked her arm slightly to relax her.

"Intimidation is used for fear. You, my bonded, do not need to fear me." He said, a ghost of a smile passing his lips. Satisfied with her response of her shoulders sagging and not pressing so hard in Kyaneous, Domitius let her slide this time.

Milee didn't even realise they migrated towards some chairs until she was sitting down, leaving the safety of Kyaneous' side and feeling exposed as both pairs of eyes looked on her.

"I'm glad you're a human." Domitius stated, his eyes piercing hers. "Some dragons have their bound to be a bird, or a tree. We were blessed by the sun and have a bound to return our affection." Both his and Kyaneous' dragons loved how she squirmed in her chair. Their senses picked up the heart pumping quicker and harder, the bussing from her brain running a million miles a minute.

"Okay," she awkwardly whispered in response.

"Domitius is my hatcher, as I am his." Kyaneous stated. "This means we were hatched together in the same nest."

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