2. Passion

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Shikamaru and you were attacking Sai with water. He walked towards you and wanted to grab you to stop the slashing water around him. Instead, it turned into a hug. You felt your cheeks burn as he grabbed you. His pale face became suddenly coloured. Shikamaru couldn't stand here and watch the two of you in your 'love' and hugged you too, this time from behind.
It was like heaven. Heat grew in your chest. For the two of them. After a few seconds, you realised that they were watching each other while hugging you. They were both taller than you, but Shika was the tallest.
You got squeezed a bit between them before realising their lips were at an inch distant. Not a second passed before their lips touched, like a feather landing on short grass.

"I didn't know you liked each other this much" you said smirking. Something in you started to scream desire.

"Hum.. yeah huh.." realised Sai, facing away quickly.

"I... I liked it." Admitted Shikamaru. He blushed, leaving your back. The sensation of them going away made you feel naked.

"...same here.." said finally Sai, looking at the water. With a sigh, he got out of the lake, taking his clothes that were drying under the sun.

You wondered what just happened above you. You eyes were blinking fast because of your incomprehension. You watched Shikamaru behind you. He had a uncomfortable feeling and you could see it.
You watched Sai. His clothes weren't dry yet. It took him more than 10 seconds to put his shirt, sticking to his skin. The clothing was drawing perfectly Sai's muscles. You wanted him. But you also wanted Shikamaru.

"Sai?" You asked.

"Hai, y/n?" He said, facing you and looking right in your eyes.

"Can I.. can we all go by you? I'd like to spend the rest of the afternoon with you two.. I, I enjoyed it" you admitted, blushing.

"Sure. I'd love it." He answered with a smile.

"I do t know if I'll can. My mom isn't nice as yours, y/n." Replied Shikamaru, getting out of the water.

As he walked, you eyes couldn't let him go. The drops pearling on his back and chest, his wet hair untied landing on his shoulders. His boxers showing a big bulb that was his member.

"Something's wrong? Are you okay you phasing away girl."

His voice woke you up. You shake your head and tell "nothing" before getting out, you too. You had your underwear and your... where was your bra? Before you even realised your breasts were wildly outside, both of the boys had their eyes stuck to it and were blushing hard.

"STOP WATCHING ME YOU PERVS" you shouted, laughing in rage.

"I.... I'm sorry, but they're beautiful" said Sai, blushing even harder.

"Oi, why you hide them?" Asked Shikamaru as soon as you put both of your arms hiding your chest. "They're big. It's perfect" he added, looking away.

"Where's my bra?" You asked. None of them answered. You looked back at the water and your bra was here, floating. You laughed hard enough to make some birds fly away.

"Don't put it back, please. Let's go home. I... I want you." said Sai, with a really low voice, watching his feet.

"My parents can wait." Added Shika.

Omoi Series: Trio of love (Sai x Shikamaru x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt