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After your long day of meeting everyone, trying to learn everything. You go home to your new apartment. The company had bought it for you. Digging in your purse you found your keys trying to unlock the door as fast as possible because all you wanted to do is eat and sleep.

Finally you walk in throwing every on the floor going straight to the kitchen for food. You desire on making your self noodles. How your dad always used to make it. It didn't take you long after putting a little in a bowl leaving the rest on the stove. You shove a spoon full in your mouth spitting it out instantly because it was hot. Very hot. Cursing under your breath and drinking some cold water to cool down your burning mouth.

Later that night you decide to get into bed after taking a shower and doing your routine. As you sit under the covers you set your alarm. Setting down in your bed you close your eyes and fall asleep.

**Beep beep beep beep**
You roll over to hit your alarm, turning it off. Slowly you roll out of bed stretching your arms and going to the bathroom to get ready for work. After showering you come out with only a towel around your body and pick out something to wear. You remember it's cold out, winter time. You love winter because it reminded you of your mom, she was half way around the world with your dad. In the winter she would snuggle up the your dogs and a good book and stay like that for hours.

After five minutes of looking in your closet you decide to wear a shirt with tights, on the top a sweater and a scarf, and to top it off a pair of boots. You inspected your self making sure everything was in order. Checking the time you grab your purse and keys and lock the door.

You make your way to the coffee shop that you fell in love with on the first day. It was only like a 5 minute walk from your apartment and another 5 minutes to work. You loved it. As you walked in the bell rand signaling that someone had opened the door walking in. Walking up to the counter you take your phone out waiting in line. The person in front of you ordered and was now waiting for his order. Not paying attention he grabbed his order turning on his heel right into you. Spilling his large coffee all over you. You yep because it's hot on your skin. The man freaks out apologizing over and over again. As a result he try's to help clean up the mess he has caused and well not realizing he was wiping your boobs.

"....ummm... sir!" Realizing what he has done he quickly stops and pulls away. Shying away, forgetting all about the hot coffee you get lost in your thoughts. You feel like you have seen those eyes before but you couldn't tell because his rest of his face was covered up by a mask and hat.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to....!!" His speech was muffled a tiny bit from the mask in front of his face. Since Korean wasn't my first language it was somewhat hard to understand.
"'s fine" I replied with a shy voice"
"How about I make it up to you. I would love to buy dinner for a beautiful girl!?" His eyes grow soft and warm, with a hopefulness in eyes that I would say yes.
"...umm like a date?" I question.
" Well I don't know if I should trust a guy, when I can't see his full face..." your thoughts are scrambling, trying to see if you can trust him. With a second pause he replies. "Well maybe you should just trust me and wait and see my full face later on the date" you can feel him smile through his mask. It felt like you had known him since you were kids.
"Yeah I will go on a date with you" you smile and look down at your feet, feeling shy.

"Awesome! Here give me your number and I will text you later"

After exchanging number you realize you have to go to work. You have an extra shirt in your purse. Thank goodness! You make your way to work and arrive at work.

How we met (Jungkook FF) (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt