Chapter 6

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"Here kitty, kitty, kitty," I said, bending down and making my voice go slightly higher than usual.

"What's your cat's name anyways?" asked Theodore, who was next to me. It took me awhile to force him to help me look for Draco, but I finally managed it by saying it was all his fault for losing my cat. But of course he doesn't know that it is Draco that we have kind of lost, since I rather go and camp in Gryffindor tower for the day then tell him that one of my plans has failed. Again.

"Um, Dragon?" I answered with a questioning lit to it, praying to Merlin he bought it.

"Dragon? You named a white cat Dragon?" asked Nott, not sounding like he believed it at all.

"Yes, Dragon," I shot back, feeling irritated with Nott's questions. "He's a fiery kitty when he wants to be."

"Right," Theodore said, still sounding unconvinced but dropped the interrogation for now.

After wondering the Dungeons for some time, Theodore asked the question that I have been dreading.

"When did you get a cat?"

I mentally groaned. He just had to ask that one, didn't he? "Mother sent him to me for Christmas. He's my Christmas present." Good thing I was prepared.

"But isn't your mom allergic to cats?" And that is when I realized right then that I hated Nott for knowing so much about other people's background.

"Yeah, so?" I said trying to forage indifference, while inside I started to panic slightly.

"So... Why did she get you a cat?"

I straightened up and placed my hands on my hips. "I'm not allergic to kittens. So therefore I get Dragon."

Theo just shook his head at me. "No need to get your hair in a twist, I just thought it was weird that you have a cat, that's all."

I glared at him. "Yeah, the one you let free. So, stop your talking and help me."

And so we continued to search for poor Draco.


When I glanced over to my bed, I saw that he was already curled up on my pillow, fast asleep. I gave an amused chuckle before leaving my dormitory and going to the common room where I'm sure most of my friends were.

"Hey Harry, where's your new cat?" asked Ron just as I sat down at my favourite seat by the fire.

"Sleeping on my pillow," I said with amusement.

"You didn't give him any more chocolate, did you?" Hermione was watching me with a hint of mistrust.

"Well..." I started, looking sheepish. I didn't get to finish when Hermione cut me off.

"You didn't?" she asked, disbelief showing on her face. "Harry, I told you that you mustn't feed him chocolate. It's bad for animals."

"What's bad for animals?" asked Ginny, coming to join them and effectively cutting off my reply, which was good for me since I didn't have one.

"Harry's been feeding this kitten we found chocolate," said Ron.

"You got a new cat?" asked Ginny, looking at me with excitement showing on her face.

I shrugged. "Sort of. We found him and since he didn't have a collar we bought him up here."

"Where is he?" Ginny looked around as if the white cat would suddenly pop up just for her to have a look at him.

"In my dorm, sleeping," I replied, sliming a little when I pictured the small cat resting on my pillow.

"What are you going to name him?" asked Ginny, looking truly curious.

I shrugged and looked at Ron, who also seemed to have not thought of that.

"He's not ours," explained Hermione.

"Yeah, but you have to call him something, right? You can't just say 'Hey you, little cat, yes you' now can you?"

She bit her bottom lip before nodding. "You're right. What shall we call him?"

"Oh! How about Mittens?" said Ginny with an air of excitement.

I shook my head. "No, he's pure white, like snow."

"Snow cat?" tried Ginny.

"No," came the three voices of disagreement.

"Timmy?" suggested Hermione, her Thinking face back on.

"Why the bloody hell Timmy?" asked Ron, looking like he wasn't reacting to that name very well.

"Because my first hamster's name was Timmy, and I loved that furry creature, okay?" said Hermione, starting to get defensive.

"Whatever," said Ron, now sitting up-side down on the couch next to Hermione.

"Frosty?" I said, having glanced at the window and saw that it was starting to snow.

"Maybe..." said Hermione, pondering the thought.

"I know!" Ginny all but shouted, sounding like she found a way to end all world hunger. "Prussia Awesomeness."

"No!" said Hermione, Ron and I again. Ginny slouched in the chair that she snagged, crossing her arms over her chest and a pout firmly in place.

"Marshmallow," said Ron, and as always, thinking with his stomach. I gave him an amused smile. Hermione was the one to shoot down that idea, saying it wasn't a proper name for a cat. I think she's still miffed about the whole Timmy thing. Ron, a smart boy at times, decided to say nothing. Instead he pulled a tongue at her, which she returned. Oh, how I love my friends.














"N- Wait what?" said Hermione, stopping in mid No, giving Ron a confused look.

"You know, Near. As in, we are nowhere near getting to the name we want."

"Oh! Oh!" shouted Ginny, partially jumping up and down in her seat in excitement. "I've got it! Gandalf... the White!"

Hermione didn't automatically turn the suggestion down; instead she gained a thoughtful look.

"Who's Gandalf?" asked Ron in confusion.

"He's a wizard in this fantasy book that I got Ginny into, Lord of the Rings," Hermione was quick to explain.

I shrugged. "What the heck? Sure, let's go with that." Ginny squealed with happiness, nearly taking my hearing with her.

Ron nodded. "That's fine."

Hermione saw that it was three against one and nodded with a sigh. "Fine. He'll be called Gandalf the White. Gandalf for short." This time Ginny did jump off of her seat, hugging each of us in turn with a big smile of her face.

"You guys are the best. I love you all!"

I have no idea what has gotten into her but I smiled and hugged her all the same, exchanging confused looks with Ron, who also seemed not know what was going on with his sister.

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