Chapter 4

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Run, run, run. That was all I could think about. Just keep running and she might not catch you. I saw my opportunity to escape when Theo walked into the common rooms (I could have kissed him right then and there if I wasn't running for, what could possibly be my life) and I just managed to squeeze through the gap that was there.

I still kept running, not sure if Lucky had also gotten out in time. Around the bend, turn the next corner, turn right, right again, up these stairs. Now where am I?

I stopped and looked around, my little heart beating wildly in my chest. It was hard to figure out where the hell I was, since everything looked bigger and different, but I finally concluded that I was near the Great Hall, maybe slightly past it. Okay, well at least something was familiar.

I sat down by a wall and tried to get my breathing into something that resembled normal. It took a while but I managed it. Then I got the sudden urge to lick myself. Looking around, I saw that there was no one, so I thought Why the hell not? and I did. It felt weird for a few seconds but then I started to get use to it. I can see why cats do it, it make you feel clean and, well, rather happy like.

I was just starting to lose myself in the sensation when I heard footsteps coming close to where I was sitting. I listened carefully, stopping in mid-lick, and decided that is was too loud and fast to be one set of feet. So more people were coming my way. Great.

Before I could hide or do anything besides putting my paw down, people came walking behind the corner from where I was sitting, talking and smiling all the while. Three people to be correct. The worst three people you could have ever bumped into while you are a Slytherin turned into a cat. The Golden Trio.

I stayed where I was and prayed they couldn't see me. I am one with the wall. I am becoming the wall. The wall is hiding me from the worst possible Gryffindors ever. The wall is my friend. Unfortunately, the wall seemed to hate Slytherins as well because it did not hide me. Instead, I'm pretty sure it forced the Gryffindors to look my way, making me stick out like I had a flashing sign above my head reading 'Look here! Look here!'. Yip, I officially hate the wall.

"Wait, hold on guys," said the leader of the group, Potter. They all stopped and looked down at me in confusion. Well, I would also be confused if the wall starts putting up signs on unsuspecting kittens.

"Hey little guy," said Potter walking towards me and bending his knees when he was quiet close. Dear Merlin! He isn't thinking of petting me, is he? Please don't, please don't, please don't.

I was pretty sure it's Let Make Draco Malfoy Miserable Day (Wow, have the days flown by that fast?) since Potter did actually try and touch me. Well, kind of. He stretched out his hands and gave me one of his stupid smiles (Which I do not think it was cute. Not. At. All). I looked at the hand with distrust. Who knew where that had been? Touching muggleborns I bet (I was forbidden to say the word 'Mudblood' if I wanted to keep studying at this school any longer, even in my own head, or so says my mother), so I didn't go near it.

"Come on, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Yeah, that's what you think," that's what I wanted to say but, as you know, it came out in meows. I hate being a cat.

"Um... Oh!" Said Potter, sounding like he just got a brilliant idea, which is very unlikely. He reached into his pocket and drew out a Chocolate Frog, my weakness. My mouth was just watering to get a taste of one of the most wonderful creations known to man.

"Do you want some chocolate?" asked Potter, having taken the wrapper off of the sweet and is now holding it tightly between his thumb and index finger so the frog couldn't hop away.

"Hell yeah!" I went forward to snatch the chocolate from his fingers (Not really even caring where they had been) when Ganger's voice made me pause.

"I don't think you can give her chocolate, Harry. I've read somewhere that chocolate is very bad for animals, I think it even said that it could be poisonous to them."

I wanted to roll my eyes. "What do you know, Granger? Wait, wait. Did you just call me a her? I am a boy, you hear me. A. Boy. Not some girly girl, thank you very much!"

"I think you offended her, 'Mione," Weasley said, stating the oblivious. And once again I ponder as to why Potter rejected my friendship for this idiotic carrot. And I am not a her!

"I'm sure it's fine," said Potter, waving off Ganger's concern. Now I'm starting to think that he might be the brains in the group, since giving me chocolate is a fantastic idea.

I nodded, quickly taking the frog before the muggleborn could voice any other issues she might have with a cat eating chocolate. Besides, I'm not really a cat, I'm a human turned into a cat. There's a difference. Somewhere.

And sweet bliss that chocolate was everything it should be. And I wanted more. So, what a Malfoy wants a Malfoy gets, I went forward and sniffed the pocket that Potter pulled the Chocolate Frog out in the first place. I heard him chuckle but decided to ignore it in favourer of looking for more treats.

"I've got nothing, sorry," said Potter in a voice that was half apologetic and half amused.

I huffed and moved away from him, since he's not worth my attention if he no longer has any more chocolate. He chuckled once again but I refused to acknowledge that it was a very nice chuckle.

"But I do think I have some in my dorm," he said, still having that silly smile on his face.

Now that peeked my interest slightly. I could either go with Potter and get more chocolate, or stay here and do nothing all day. I think you know which one won. And anyways, I was curious as to what the Gryffindors dormitories look like. Cats are curious by nature, so I have to follow the natural order of things, right? Right.

So I nodded and came forward again. Letting him even touch me.

"Aren't you a cleaver little girl, yes you are," Potter cooed while stroking me. I nipped his finger for calling me a girl, but other than that I let him pet me.

"Hermione, I don't think it's a girl," said Potter, voicing his thoughts.

"Oh? And what makes you say that, Harry?" said Ganger, also bending down and trying to stroke me. I say trying because I dodged her hand before it could make contract with my fur. She huffed and gave me what I think is a very poor attempt at the evil eyes.

"Because it bit me when I called it a girl."

"Mmm," said Ganger, putting on her thinking face. I hope she doesn't strain a muscle or anything; I want to be the cause of that. "Well, we could check to see and I'm sure I can tell you." And that is when she reached out to me, but this time she came with the intention of picking me up. I didn't make it easy for her. I wiggled and squirmed, meowed and scratch, and threw every insult and could think of at her, which just made me meow more. But my awesome kitty insults were no match for her strength and opposable thumbs because she finally got me on my back.

"Boy," she confirmed, passing me on to Potter. What is this? Pass the Kitten? I do not like being manhandled!

"Aww, aren't you a pretty boy," said Potter, starching underneath my chin. I didn't have the energy to bite Potter for calling me pretty, I was too traumatized at how the muggleborn found out I was male. I am, and always will be, scared for life.

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