I freeze and almost drop the brush in surprise. Well I guess she didn't ignore it. I look at her in the reflection of the mirror before turning to properly face her. Once I do I see her staring back shyly with her hands shoved in the pocket of my sweatshirt. It would be an adorable sight if I wasn't freaking out so much.

"Sure but maybe we can talk about it tomorrow or something?" I suggest carefully.

"Okay, whatever works for you" she replies happily.

She's the one who wanted to talk about it but immediately drops the subject. I wonder if she's just as hesitant as I am. It hasn't even been thirty seconds and I'm already dreading having that conversation. Maybe I can get out of it.

She goes to change, talking excitedly about the rides and the boardwalk. Second day of the trip, I can do this.

She walks past afterwards and tosses my hoodie back to me.

"Here's your hoodie, thank you for letting me borrow it for the night by the way."

"No problem, I mean I was the reason you had to wear it" I catch it with a shrug.

I rush through getting ready and we manage to get out the door five minutes before it hit eight. I shove my phone and keycard in the pocket of my shorts and walk down the hallway to the staircase.

We run into the boys coming out of their room and stop to tag along.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask and take in their expressions.

"Terribly" Lucas says as he rubs his eyes.

"Great" Zay responds.

"Fine" Farkle says.

Riley smirks at the different responses.

"Care to elaborate?" I say and raise an eyebrow at them.

"Well I decided to take the small pullout couch because I didn't want to deal with Farkle moving around. At around 11:30 I tried to go to bed but Zay and Farkle kept whispering and Zay was asking all these ridiculous questions about the universe. Let's just say I'm a light sleeper and my attempts at quieting them down weren't successful" Lucas says and glares at Zay.

"It was late at night man! I'm sorry I have thoughts to express! I wasn't even that loud" Zay says to defend himself.

"Yes you were Zay. You shouldn't be complaining Lucas. I was the one who had to deal with his questions regardless of how much I wanted to sleep. I'd like to see you try to answer questions that literally have no logical answer. I fell asleep trying to tell him to leave me alone" Farkle says and crosses his arms.

"What exactly was he asking?" I say.

"I think one was 'why is it that if someone yells the word duck it's to help to but if they yell chicken it's to insult you?'" Lucas says and rolls his eyes.

"I do remember that one" Farkle yawns.

"I mean it is a legitimate question" Riley says.

"Some of his questions were more interesting than you're giving him credit for. I remember one was 'is the sand called sand because it's in between the sea and land?'" Farkle says.

"Zay has a point" Smackle laughs as she approaches us in the hallway.

We all say good morning to her and begin to descend the flight of stairs. Farkle and Smackle lagging behind to talk and Zay still grumbling about how he wasn't being loud.

Lucas sighs and opens the door to the cafeteria as we scan the room for an empty table.

"How did you two sleep? Farkle said he texted you at around eleven and you both were apparently still up" Smackle asks me as she grabs a chair.

Longing Hearts [Rilaya]Where stories live. Discover now