Chapter 3

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THIS IS NOT ME COMING BACK I HAD SOME FREE TIME AND I REMEMBERED. It's almost summer, so I will be able to update more then. To be honest, I haven't been watching YouTube as often, but I think I am getting back into it, so don't panic! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!

~Eevee's POV~

"The sky's awake, so I'm awake so we have to gotophysicaltherapy!" I flopped on Mitch, who was still sleeping. 

"Are you ever going to stop referencing that movie?"


Mitch gently shoved me off and sat up with something of a struggle. I grabbed his right hand and helped him sit straight. 

"Do I have to go?" He whined. I sighed. I didn't want to take him, either. 

"Yeah." I left his bedroom to make him breakfast. I normally wouldn't, but you know. Mitch came down the stairs with his arm hanging in his sling again.

"Are you feeling better?" I put toast on a plate and handed it to him.

"Same as yesterday!" He said with a certain enthusiasm in his voice. 

Jerome, followed by Adam, came down the stairs. 

"What're you up so early for?" Jerome asked us. (IDK IF I SAID A TIME FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY BUT NOW IT'S EARLY). Both Mitch and myself needed out "Beauty Sleep".

"Stupid physical therapy." Mitch complained before stuffing his face. 

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Jerome apologized sheepishly, while Adam sat next to Mitch. I looked at him. He looked mildly annoyed.

"Adam did you get pranked or something?" He shook his head. I raised my eyebrows comically. He didn't say anything, but pointed to his throat.

I didn't do anything, just laughed. Belting Frozen could do that. Adam gave me a look for laughing, but I laughed again.

"Serves you right, for waking me up last night." Jerome muttered. This got Adam and Mitch to smile, and I laughed harder. 

"Come on, we gotta go!" I stood from my seat and made for the door. Mitch slid his chair from the table, but refused from getting up.

"I don't want to!" He pouted.

"But Miiitcch!" I grabbed his arm and pulled, making his chair slide. There was no way I could get him to stand up, given my level of strength, which was low. 

"Nope!" He planted his feet on the ground so I couldn't even budge the chair.

"But your arm won't get better if we don't go!"

"Fiiinne!" He grouchily got up and followed me out.

~Time Skip~

"Are you Mitchell?" The front desk lady asked. Mitch nodded.

"Then who are you?" The lady looked down her nose through her glasses at me. It was almost like a glare. (idk did I say her age in the new story I think it was 18)

"I'm his sister." She dismissed me with disdain and turned back to Mitch.

"Right this way, dear." She smiled.

I frowned. Mitch was five years older than me, so I don't think it was because I was too young... Mitch smiled teasingly at me, as he could tell that she didn't like me, and vise versa. It's only for a week, I reminded myself. I plastered on a smile and followed. (GUYS I SCREWED UP WITH THE CHARACTER CONTEST I AM SO SORRY)

"This is where the other patients are. There is Ella." The lady smiled and waved at a fifteen year old girl in the corner. She had her leg stretched over a table. Ella grinned and waved. 

"Over in the corner is Jake. He doesn't like being bothered too much, his back is out-of-whack, so it hurts a bit." Jake looked up at the sound of his name. He looked pretty menacing, so we kept walking.

"And that's Zoe. She's been mute since she was small, and she just likes to hand around here."  The girl, who looked to be 17, gave a small wave. The huge room was otherwise deserted. The big skylights didn't help the appearance of emptiness. 

The lady waved us - well, Mitch over to some intricate equipment that I couldn't describe. She ran some sort of test, stretched and shifted Mitch's arm, all the while ignoring me. Mitch looked pretty confused at the contraptions.

"That's not going to hurt, is it?" He looked worried. The lady, who now introduced herself as Jen, gave a light chuckle, as if anything about this trip were funny.

"That might be better than no feeling at all. Say something if you feel anything." Jen reminded me of a charming villain. She definitely seemed nice enough, but she had a menacing aura. She wasn't like an old evil witch, she was only in her late twenties, but that didn't make any difference. 

I watched the clock until our three hours were up. Mitch looked exhausted by the end of it. Jen never lost her somewhat sickly smile. I just got consistently more worried, then bored. Nothing happened, and we only have six more days to get Mitch better. 

Jen assisted us out the door, smiling sweetly at Mitch on the way out, and I couldn't tell if she glared at me or ignored me, but either way, I didn't like her. The moment we were our of earshot Mitch laughed loudly.

"What?" I exclaimed with a small smile of confusion.

"You're ridiculous!" He laughed.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I laughed a little bit, too. It was good to see him so happy. 

"Because the both of you are ridiculous! You haven't even talked to each other yet!" He shook his head, still grinning.

"She started it." I muttered, trying to keep a straight face. He burst out again, and I had to crack a smile.

I climbed into the front seat of the car. "Uh, Eev. Eevster?" 

I looked, bewildered at him. "Eevster?" He grinned again.

"Help." He gestured to his seat belt buckle. As to how he did it on the way here, I don't know. The grin dropped off of his face, but he tried to regain it. I sighed, clicking the buckle together.

"Eevster? Really?" I wondered aloud. 

"Well... yeah! I thought it was cool!" He smiled again.

"But I can't turn Mitch into a cool nickname as easily! "Mitchster" doesn't sound right!" I complained. 

"This is what one would call a firstworld problem." He teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, Mitchster."

~Author's Note~

Yo you should be proud because this took a lot of will power. And homework time! UGH But I finish school June 16th, so I could probably update more then! I HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!

What now? (The Real 3rd part to the ABB series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن