Chapter 2

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SO I feel like I will probably update this story more often, since I like this plot line. So expect more frequent updates, this is not a guarantee, sorry xD. But yeah! Expect some big stuff on Thursday, I am so excited! YEA! WOO! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! 

~Eevee's POV~

Mitch had to go to the pysical therapist everyday for three hours. He couldn't really record Minecraft videos, but he had some saved content for a few days. We were on our way back home, and he was sitting in the back seat. He had the needles taken out of his arm, and the oxygen nubs were gone. His limp arm was in a sling, and he was still pretty bruised up. 

"You doing okay?" I asked him. I was sitting in the front, and Adam was driving.

"Will you stop asking me that? I'm pretty sure I am." You could hear the smile. But you could also hear, if you listened really hard, that he was scared. I turned around so I could see his face. He wasn't exactly smiling, but he looked okay, emotion-wise.

"I meant, are your feels okay." That was the first thing I thought of as a way to describe it. And it made him laugh. Actually, we all laughed, but it was weird. It wasn't quite wholehearted laughter.

"Yeah. I'm good." I smiled before I turned back to the front.

~Time Skip~

We walked through the front door to be greeted by worried faces. 

"FYI, you left the news on." Quentin half smiled. 

"Oops. We were a bit rushed." This was strange. We were pretending like everything was normal, but it wasn't. There is a 90% chance that it will never be.

"So, we have to go to the therapist everyday for the next week. It's at three tomorrow." Jerome stated. He looked distracted. I mean, he might lose his Hunger Games partner. This sounds like a we're turning a mountain out of a molehill, but Jerome had Mitch as his team mate for years.

Mitch just seemed like an unusually perky version of himself. He was smiling widely and rocking from foot to foot. "How about we go out to eat?" He suggested.

"You up for it?" Adam asked thoughtfully.

"Hey, I'm hurt, but I'm still me. I never turn down an opportunity for some dank food and drank!" So we piled into the car. It was The Power Move Squad, The Butter King, two Pokemons, and then Ethan, who is just Ethan. (Yeah, these are going to be the people in the story. Don't hate me!)

"Where are we going?" Ryan asked from the driver's seat. Mitch was, once again, indecisive about his food. There were too many choices, apparently.

"Pizza!" Jason and I shouted at the same time. Well, he said Prizza. Same thing.

~Time Skip~

Mitch had a hard time doing things like opening doors without his right hand. It would be much easier had he lost feeling in the left, but we were just that lucky. He dropped his pizza on multiple occasions, but kept right on smiling.

People stared, but I think it was for the same reason as always. I mean, there was seven loud people in a moderately small pizza place. And sometimes they broke out into song.

"And I'm the milkman! Do do do doo! I'm the milkman!" From a little ways away you couldn't tell anything was wrong. Everyone was cracking jokes and laughing. 

But every time Mitch dropped his pizza, Jerome's eyes darkened a little bit, and Mitch's smile faltered. Every time he went to pick up his glass he hesitated, because he tried to reach using his right side, but nothing happened. Every time he would get a bit more frustrated. But he did a dang good job of hiding it.

 ~Time Skip~

When we got home, Quentin said he was scheduled to record with Annie, and Jerome was busy recording as well. Mitch just smiled and nodded. I had to take care of something, too, but that could wait. We were having a movie night. 

"Let's watch Frozen!" I insisted. Mitch hadn't seen it yet, but it was guaranteed that it would turn into a musical. Adam and I loved the movie,

"Fine!" He gave in. I smiled brightly as I put the disc into the player, then went to the kitchen to get popcorn. 'Put on a brave face, he is hurting more than you are.' I had to remind myself. It was hard pretending that it was okay.

The movie was just playing the title screen just as I got back. Mitch was sitting on one end of the couch, and Adam on the other. Don't know why, but it was the prefect opportunity to get Adam back for being a footrest. I put my feet on his knees and put my head in Mitch's lap. He liked it when I did that, he said it reminded him of Conner, who he still missed. 

He smiled down at me. "You okay?" I had to ask one more time.

"Don't worry about me." He played with my hair during the beginning, but we all died of laughter when it got to the Let It Go scene. Adam leapt from his seat and sang along, loudly, and did all of the motions in perfect timing. Jerome had to come down to see the commotion, just to see Adam pretend to let his hair down. 

"Let the storm rage ooooooonnnnnnn! The cold never bothered me anyways." He sassily pretended to slam the door to his castle and collapsed back on the couch. 

"I don't know if that was an anti or a power move, so I'm just going back to my room." Jerome shook is head with a grin.

"POWER MOVES ONLY" Adam yelled back at him. 

~Author's Note~

I don't know how I feel about that one. It seemed like a huge filler. But it was enjoyable. I liked writing it. ALSO I HAVE HUGE NEWS I am the new Thursday! Go check it out! <3

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