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I hate that I didn't realise when we were becoming strangers. It felt so sudden but I was just blinded from all the signs.
I can't blame you, because I was blind sighted by my own stupidity. You played on my vulnerability. I made excuses for your ignorance, consoled myself into thinking you were busy and would call later and despite all the clear road signs that beamed at me sharper than headlights.
I chose to ignore them, just like how you ignored me because I was naive. I had hopes, dreams and believed in true love. You taught me none of that really exists. I realised it's a figment of our imaginations that parents delude young minds with to fill them with hopes and dreams. Only until someone like you walks into their life and shows them heartbreak and the dark reality. For that I thank you; I thank you for not lying to me. For showing me life in its truest black and white self. For showing me I deserved better than that - I deserved better than you.

- Ivy🌙

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