That XX(TaeJeong)

Start from the beginning

He took off the ring you gave him and linked his arm around someone

Taehyung squinted his eyes closer to look at Mingyu's hand, noticing that he wasn't wearing the ring, Sujeong had gifted him, like Taehyung expected. Taehyung couldn't help but scoff at this typical behaviour, knowing that Mingyu would do things like this but it wasn't Mingyu that needed to change. It was Sujeong and Taehyung knew the exact reason why, he was adamant to make Sujeong see things through Taehyung's view this time.

''Mingyu I want to get some ice cream.'' Eunseo pouted her lips at him, causing him to laugh at her.

''Anything for my adorable princess!'' Mingyu chuckled as he pinched her cheek.

''You're so cheesy.'' Eunseo stuck her tongue out at Mingyu, who wrapped his arm around her.

''Come on babe, let's start getting you that ice cream you wanted.'' Mingyu walked ahead with Eunseo whereas Taehyung stood there, watching the two walk off.

Taehyung knew what he saw and he turned his direction to the other side of where Mingyu and Eunseo were walking. He knew he had to tell what he had witnessed hence making his way towards Sujeong's place immediately, running faster and faster so he could reach there to tell her everything he knew so this time, just this time she could change her mind and see things like the way Taehyung had been telling her all this time. 

But you actually get mad at me (Why?), Saying that there's no way he'd do that (Sure you're right)

''Leave him! He's not right for you!'' Taehyung demanded as he frowned at her. ''He's been doing this for a long time and I've always told you from the start!''

Taehyung watched Sujeong's eyes become more watery and her face looked like it completely lost all the happiness and energy it had before she was informed with the news. Her hands slightly shook as she reached over to the tissue and clenched it in her hand, just silently thinking about what she had heard. She quickly wiped the tears that were about to fall off before she looked at Taehyung once again but this time it had a smile, a very obvious and forced fake smile.

''Sujeong what are you not understanding out of this?'' Taehyung couldn't believe Sujeong. ''He's been cheating on you ever since the start and the fact that you still stay with him, why? Why are you giving him the chances he never deserves?!''

Sujeong stared at him, forcing herself to smile wider even though the tears were starting to appear once again in her eyes. He could see the water building up in her eyes and were almost on the verge of dropping but he had to hit her with the hard truth she had always been refusing to believe.

''Face the facts Sujeong! He's never going to change no matter what you do!'' Taehyung angrily told her. ''He isn't going to change for you and he's going to keep cheating on you until you finally break up with him and leave him for good! That asshole doesn't deserve you but why are you clinging on to him? Why are you still with him even though you know he doesn't treat you well?!''

''STOP IT!'' Sujeong angrily yelled as the tears rolled down her cheeks, clearly she was hurt with everything she was listening to. ''You're wrong! You're wrong! Mingyu isn't like that, there's no way he can do that!''

''Sujeong he's been doing this from the start! Why don't you believe me!?'' Taehyung sighed, tired of telling her the same thing. ''He doesn't deserve you!''

I became aware of you being upset and I said I must have seen someone else, Yes I'll lie for you (I'm sorry)

''You're wrong Taehyung because Mingyu isn't like that!'' Taehyung watched her quickly wipe her tears. ''Mingyu isn't like that at all, he loves me and I love him! We're so in love that there is no way he can do that! You're the one that's in the wrong so stop with all this bullshit!''

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